Spotlight 21


In profile with Elizabeth de Jong, CEO UKPIA

In profile with Elizabeth de Jong of UKPIA – an industry voice who has no fear of public speaking but isn’t quite as brave on the ski slopes.


Richard Huxley

It is with great sadness that NWF Fuels announces the passing of Managing Director, Richard Huxley, on 22nd August 2022 following a period of illness.


A Day in the Life… Hannah Ward

In our August issue ‘A Day in the Life’ we speak with Hannah Ward, customer relations advisor at Certas Energy and winner of the UKIFDA Young Person of the Year Award, to discover how she spends a typical day.


A unique fuel industry set up for Convery Oils & Convery Engineering

A fuel distributor with a unique set up, Convery Oils is based just outside Kilrea in Northern Ireland. Owner and manager, Eamon Convery, shares the company’s beginnings and its journey to the modern fuel distribution business it is today.


35 years of tanker loading and process metering solutions

Claudia Weeks speaks with IFC Inflow as it celebrates 35 years, to hear about the company’s evolution from flow meters and loading arms to total project solutions, which include design, fabrication, and installation services.


A Day in the Life… Dave Willcox

In our July issue ‘Day in the Life’ we speak with Dave Willcox, tanker driver at the WP Group and winner of the UKIFDA driver of the year award, to discover how he spends a typical day.