

Red diesel update: Navigating the evolving fuel landscape

Considering the implication of red diesel rebate changes Niki Holt, head of commercial at Certas Energy, examines the ripple effect of red diesel duty reform as it fuels increased interest in cleaner-burning alternatives.  


In profile with Ken Cronin of UKIFDA

In profile with Ken Cronin the chief exec of industry body UKIFDA, this data driven figure is passionate about red diesel and never forgets we’re only human.


Hydrogen bodies urge government to better support fuel suppliers

The government plan for hydrogen production, announced as part of the Energy Strategy, has been broadly welcomed by the industry although there are concerns that more needs to be done if the UK is to take the lead on this low carbon fuel.


Impressive speaker line-up for Future Fuels Conference 2022

An impressive speaker line-up for the 2022 industry conference will view future fuels through the eyes of the liquid fuel industry, fuel customers, government, the market and suppliers to work out what the future could, and needs to, look like.


Analytical expertise to solve fuel-related problems

An independent consultancy, SMS Analytical provides expert knowledge for analysis of fuels including engine oils, edible oils, and petrochemicals for pollution, stability or contamination issues, analysis of fire debris for accelerants or self-heating oils and smoke taint contamination.


OFTEC and UKIFDA response to the British Energy Security Strategy

OFTEC and UKIFDA respond to the British Energy Security Strategy urging government to focus on reducing energy use and support renewable liquid fuels such as HVO, and low carbon energy solutions to transition away from fossil fuels.