Transition 19


Space scientist to lead Future Logistics Conference 2022

Logistics UK’s Future Logistics Conference 2022 will look at the latest developments in transport, and spark debate about future fuels and the decarbonisation of one of the economy’s most critical sectors.


Decarbonising transport: are additives the answer?

Transport is the largest emitter of CO2 in the UK, and the challenge is how to decarbonise now. We speak with the industry to consider the role of additives and how they can contribute to decarbonising transport in the distributor sector.


TotalEnergies: Energy Outlook 2021

With Total refocussing its brand and activities in a bid to become a leading renewable energy player, we look at its latest view of the future for energy and the implications for the transition to net zero 2050.


HVO: An industry update

The fuel distribution industry responds to the recommendations of the UK’s Trade Remedies Authority (TRA) with regard to trade remedy measures on biodiesel that existing measures on imports of FAME biodiesel are kept, but on imports of HVO biodiesel are removed


Board appointment brings valuable transition expertise

Petrofac’s New Energy Services chief operating officer, John Pearson, joins the OGUK board, bringing valuable experience to the industry body as it focuses on accelerating the industry’s efforts to deliver low carbon energy to the UK.


£1bn investment in hydrogen venture supports Essar future

Essar forms Vertex Hydrogen Limited, with Progressive Energy, a joint venture to build UK’s largest hydrogen hub at Stanlow in a transformational move seen as ‘a major step in supporting the sustainability of the business.’


Wind leasing shows UK oil and gas vital to low carbon future

The results of ScotWind's offshore wind leasing round, with the awarding of 17 applications announced last week, see the UK offshore oil and gas industries at the head of the pack to speed up the energy transition.


A review of COP 26: the key ‘take-aways’

At the COP26 climate change conference in Glasgow, four key areas were highlighted that need to be addressed, commitments made and actions to be agreed to achieve the required energy transition to net zero.


UKIFDA supports TRA proposals on HVO

Following publication of the Trade Remedies Authority’s recommendations on trade measures for biodiesel UKIFDA indicated their support for the HVO proposals.