

Fire destroys three tankers at Ukay Fuels depot

A deliberate fire started at the Ukay Fuels depot in Hadleigh, Suffolk, destroyed three tankers – but it’s still “business as usual”. The incident, which took place last Friday night, destroyed three tankers containing a total of 35,750 litres of kerosene, gas oil and diesel. Luckily, the fuel storage tank did not catch alight, as the fire brigade controlled the blaze. The police have launched an investigation and are treating the incident as suspicious. Ukay Fuels managing director, Anthony Iameo, said: “All three tankers were burning at the same level and at the same time which shouldn’t happen naturally – especially as the vehicles were new with all the relevant health and safety checks. “We’re not sure if it was a personal attack on ourselves or GB Oils, because there was another attack on an ordinary vehicle one or two nights before the incident.” He added: “We have managed to keep the business running and were out delivering on Monday. We arranged with GB Oils to be able collect oil from the Ipswich depot. “It’s business as usual, and it’s important that people are getting their oil on time, and that customers can keep warm!”


New skid for County Oils

County Oils’ new bottom loading skid supplied by Alpeco County Oils has had a new bottom loading skid installed by Alpeco at its depot in Sutton Weaver, near Runcorn. The design was finalised after a comprehensive brief from County Oils managing director, Neil Musgrave. Retention of the existing top load bay was critical to the project so that County Oils could continue to use two older but very useful mini tankers that could not be adapted for bottom loading. The new 3 arm loading skid was configured for loading rated of 900 lpm through either bottom loading arms or via the existing top loading arms. A Contrec 1010 register monitors and controls simultaneous loading of up to 3 loading arms. Neil Musgrave said: “We were extremely pleased with the way in which Alpeco responded to our requirements and the speed and efficiency with which the skid was installed. Our site was only out of action for two and a half days.” The County Group also purchased two new tankers from Road Tankers Northern in 2011, both of which were fully equipped with Alpeco bottom load systems and TE550 electronic metering equipment.


Energy Institute seeks industry feedback

The Energy Institute (EI) and the Joint Inspection Group (JIG) are working together to prepare a new standard for the aviation fuel refining, storage and distribution industry. A final draft is now available for review and the EI calls for industry stakeholders to feedback on its technical content before 4 January 2013. EI/JIG 1530 is intended to provide a standard to assist in the maintenance of aviation fuel quality, from its point of manufacture, through distribution systems to airports. It provides mandatory provisions and good practice recommendations for storage design features and handling procedures, additives used in aviation fuels, facilities and procedures for transportation, and synthetic jet fuel blends. The standard is intended for adoption worldwide. Martin Hunnybun, technical team manager – fuels and fuels handling, Energy Institute, said: “This comprehensive document has been compiled by fuel quality specialists from the EI and JIG, with support from the EI’s technical partners. The feedback process is fundamentally important to ensure the standard is of the highest relevance and contributes to the maintenance of aviation fuel quality throughout potentially complex supply chains, and we are very grateful to those who are able to engage with this project.” A copy is available at


NIOF launches customer charter

David Blevings, executive director of the Northern ireland Oil Federation, and Antoinette McKeown, chief executive of the Consumer Council, at the launch The Northern Ireland Oil Federation (NIOF) has launched a customer charter – a first for an oil trade association in the UK and Ireland. David Blevings, executive director, said: “The charter is a welcome development and will provide consumers with information on what level of service they can expect from a NIOF distributor member. It will also help customers get the most from a distributor’s service, and includes advice on how to make a complaint if they are dissatisfied with any aspect of the service or have ideas for improvement.” Antoinette McKeown, chief executive of the consumer council explained: “We have worked with the NIOF in their development of their customer charter, which will give consumers increased confidence when they purchase home heating oil from an NIOF member. “Sixty eight per cent of homes in Northern Ireland use heating oil as their primary heating source and with such a high dependency on heating oil we need to safeguard consumers.   “The Consumer Council welcomes the Customer Charter as an excellent first step for the local oil sector and with further development it could provide similar support and safeguards that electricity and natural gas consumers have.”


More debate on industry issues

Many questions arose at last month’s Fuel Oil News Distributor Debate including how the industry should prepare for a potential kerosene shortage.  The short answer to that question from both Stephen Rhodes of Mabanaft and Portland’s James Spencer was to stock up on kerosene if you have the storage. “If there’s a precipice and we go off it, then the industry is knackered,” added James.  “Backwardation is not simple and, at the moment, this means that no commercial operator is going to be able to get huge amounts of kerosene – it’s basically commercial suicide.” How do we overcome the problem of consumers drawing unfair comparisons between different energy markets e.g. oil with gas? ‘Educating the public is key’ responded Mark Askew, chief executive, Federation of Petroleum Suppliers. Mark believes that the problem lies with ignorance and that part of the industry’s job is to explain how the market works. “I think most customers are savvy enough these days to understand some of the basic differences, if they’re explained properly.”   Launched recently, a joint FPS/OFTEC Oilsave campaign will explain how the industry works.  It will also demystify some of the information circulating about renewables and costs. Will the UK follow Europe in moving away from oil? Stressing the differences between the European and UK market, Mark Askew said the future probably lay in combining oil, which works instantly, with other energy sources. The distributor offering is likely to change, as it has changed in the past from coal and paraffin. “I don’t think any of us have crystal balls.  When the cut off date for oil is I don’t know, nobody knows, but I don’t think it’s quite dead in the water yet,” added Mark. For more questions and answers from the Distributor Debate see the December issue of Fuel Oil News


Prepare for a cold winter

Forecasters have warned that a ‘big freeze’ could begin by early December – and we could be facing one of the coldest winters for more than a decade. Temperatures are expected to drop significantly, and ice and frost are likely to cause transport problems and there will be a significant risk of heavy snow. The Federation of Petroleum Suppliers (FPS) is urging homeowners and businesses who use oil for heating to get themselves prepared for winter now.  FPS chief executive, Mark Askew said: “We launched a buy oil early campaign in September in association with the Government and consumer agencies, ACRE (Action with Communities in Rural England), Citizens Advice Bureau and Consumer Focus but many people still haven’t heeded our advice.   “Our members remind customers that they should order early, but people have got into a pattern of ordering the minimum quantity.   Customers have had a trend of ordering 500 litres and then running out in the middle of the worst weather, when tanker drivers just can’t get to them.  “Demand is obviously governed by the weather and a prolonged cold snap, such as the Met Office is forecasting, means that the terminals are unable to provide product quickly enough and consumers can run out whilst waiting for deliveries as distributors have to go further afield to get supplies.”


FTA welcomes HGV speed limit consultation

The Freight Transport Association (FTA) has welcomed the announcement from the Department for Transport about the consultation Examining the Speed Limit for Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs) over 7.5T on Single Carriageway Roads.   The FTA has long campaigned on this subject, supporting the reduction of the speed differential between HGVs and other vehicles on single carriageway roads. The logistics industry is convinced that a 40 mph speed limit causes unnecessary costs to vehicle operators, congestion, and avoidable overtaking collisions. It also means that HGVs travelling above the speed limit enjoy a competitive advantage over those adhering to the law. Malcolm Bingham, FTA head of road network management policy, commented: “Whilst our members would not want their drivers to disobey any speed limit and many feel that it is inappropriate behaviour to do so; it creates a stressful situation when driving a vehicle at a lower speed than others particularly when other road users try to encourage the HGV to move faster.” The FTA has also assisted with the publication of two new guides promoting health and safety to professional drivers. The publications, Load Safe, Road Safe and Transport Safety have been produced by the Health and Safety Laboratory (HSL), with assistance from a number of organisations. They offer drivers and other operators information about good practice and assistance for complying with road and workplace legislation.


Cameron Forecourt appoints new operations manager

Cameron Forecourt managing director Barry Jenner with new operations manager, Martyn Roper Cameron Forecourt has appointed Martyn Roper as operations manager. The move comes as the company approaches the end of a record year in terms of turnover and profit despite another difficult year for the economy. Based at the company’s headquarters in Barnsley, South Yorkshire, Martyn will have overall responsibility for production, installation and service activities. This will include project planning and the co-ordination of installation contracts throughout the country. Martyn is a qualified electrical and electronics engineer who spent the early part of his career as a design engineer working for avionics and computer companies. His first management role was at Sanderson Computers where he was UK engineering manager, before moving on to head of operations for a government-backed standards organisation serving the transportation industry. Barry Jenner, Cameron Forecourt managing director said: “As the company takes on bigger and more complex fuelling installation contracts, it has become necessary to appoint an overall coordinator to manage our nationwide activities. Martyn’s experience and knowledge will prove immensely helpful and will release others to concentrate on the maintenance of professionalism and quality which is at the core of all we do.”


Green Deal cashback for oil boilers

Householders who install a high efficiency oil-fired condensing boiler to replace an existing model will be eligible for £310 cashback under the Green Deal. Up to £40m of government funding has been set aside to help householders improve their energy efficiency, and the cash is available from 28 January 2013. To qualify, householders must get a Green Deal assessment and arrange for the work to be done through a Green Deal provider. OFTEC is already offering Green Deal registration for installers to take advantage of the new scheme, and both owner occupiers and landlords are eligible, providing they pay part of the installation costs. Initial cashback rates have been set at £100 for loft insulation, £250 for cavity wall insulation and £390 for flat roof insulation.


Dunraven celebrates awards success

Celebrating their success managing director, Gerry Jones (centre) with members of the Dunraven team Dunraven Systems, suppliers of Apollo tank telemetry equipment, won Dundalk’s Best High Growth SME award at the annual Louth County Business Awards. Gerry Jones, managing director of Dunraven Systems, said: “We’re delighted to win this award, which is a testimony to the hard work, effort and commitment of everyone at Dunraven, together with the loyalty of our customers. Since Dunraven was established, we’ve sought to provide quality, innovative and best in class solutions, backed by world-class levels of service and product support. “During the past 12 months, we’ve continued to develop our business through the introduction of new products in response to customer demand and in anticipation of future market demands.” The category award was sponsored by Louth County Enterprise board and is open to businesses who have demonstrated strategic growth, innovation and entrepreneurship in this


Inver Energy takes first delivery of marine gas oil

LS Evanne delivered 6000 tonnes of marine gas oil Inver Energy has taken delivery of its first marine gas oil import to the Cardiff terminal. The LS Evanne delivered over 6000 tonnes of the new product, after the tank farms and loading racks underwent substantial re-engineering to facilitate the order. The marine market within south Wales and south west England has not had access to marine gas oil since 2011 following EU wide changes in gas oil specifications, which caused a significant competitive disadvantage within the market. Inver has a long history of fuel supply to vessels of all sizes in the UK and Ireland, and this new product broadens the fuel offering to customers. The fuel has the added advantage of meeting the approved specification (BS2869), and can be used in boiler and furnace systems to provide a more economical solution for


Greenergy launches new fuel supply business in Canada

Greenergy has announced that it will begin supplying diesel, gasoline and biofuel in Southwestern Ontario during the second quarter of 2013. With existing operations in the UK, US and Brazil, the company is looking to continue international success and growth. Paul Bateson, chief operating officer of Greenergy’s international operations and director of Greenergy Fuels Canada, said: “In the UK, Greenergy has achieved long-term growth by delivering what every customer ultimately wants – lowest priced fuel combined with the highest levels of customer service, supply resilience, operational efficiency and sustainability.  We intend to replicate that strategy in Canada.” Kirby Tremblay and Mike Healey have joined the company as joint managing directors in Canada, and bring more than thirty years of combined experience in Canadian petroleum supply and marketing.  Operations will begin from the Vopak terminal in Hamilton, and expand to other supply locations across the country in due course.


New fuel quality monitoring scheme

  Turriff Fuels and CPL Petroleum have implemented the Federation of Petroleum Suppliers (FPS) new fuel certification scheme. Developed in conjunction with tank hygiene specialists, OTS TankCare and Scarletts Systems, the scheme will enable FPS members to guarantee fuel standards, thereby safeguarding themselves against the potential risk and any claims resulting from post-delivery contamination. FPS chief executive, Mark Askew, said: “With the introduction of new biofuels and current FAME content up to 7%, better housekeeping is essential throughout the supply chain. The FPS scheme sets standards for fuel testing, cleansing and best practice for preventing contamination by water, particulates and microbial growth in storage tanks. “The scheme methodology has been fully evaluated and we can announce its implementation with two major FPS distributors – Turriff Fuels of Aberdeenshire and the CPL Petroleum network’s flagship depot in Thurrock, Essex. “By declaring their tanks have been certified to this scheme – to guarantee fuel quality standards – fuel distributors will be able to draw a line under any disputes concerning fuel quality.” 


Buses go greener with 30% biodiesel

Almost 1000 buses in Scotland are set to run on a blend of 30% biodiesel supplied by Argent Energy. The B30 fuel is made at the company’s plant near Motherwell by recycling used cooking oil. Previously the Stagecoach vehicles used a mix of 5% biofuel and 95% diesel.  Increasing the percentage of biofuel results in a cut in the vehicles’ CO2 emissions by up to 22%. Dickon Posnett, Argent Energy’s development director, welcomed the move. He said: “Whilst low blends of biodiesel in standard diesel has long been the norm, we’ve seen increasing interest in higher percentage blends for economic and environmental reasons. Now B30 is rolling out widely across Scotland and England, and it will fuel the daily journeys of tens of thousands of people. “It is a straight swap for mineral diesel and needs no modifications to either vehicles or the logistics of the fuel supply chain. So B30 offers a winning combination of ease of use, carbon reduction and economic benefits. Plus it brings the sustainability of a renewable fuel made from wastes. “We are the only UK biodiesel producer to use distillation technology as the final step in our production process. That delivers an extra level of purity and is one of the ways we ensure that all our fuel meets the European standard.” Argent also supplies a number of other transport operations in Edinburgh, London and Cambridgeshire.


Profit in renewables? Discover more on 21st November

A Profitable Future in Renewables – Business Strategy Conference takes place at the British Museum in London on Wednesday 21st November. The energy market has undergone many changes, making it difficult for businesses to plan ahead and make informed decisions to benefit profitability. Many companies are looking to alternative energy forms, such as renewables. Organised by Renewable Energy Installer magazine, the event will address a range of topical business issues, brought to you by key industry experts, to benefit profitability. The conference is aimed at wholesalers, manufacturers, Green Deal providers and installers, while content will also be of interest to investors, training companies and those involved in the professional services sector. “There is currently no other event which offers the same level of expertise and insight into the renewables sector and how to maintain a successful business,” said REI editor, Lu Rahman. The aim is to help attendees understand the in-depth details behind Feed-in Tariffs, the Renewable Heat Incentive and the Green Deal. It will also offer expert opinion on how industry changes will impact on the market. The event boasts a first-class line up that will see DECC’s Alasdair Grainger discussing the current state of the Feed-in Tariff, Solarcentury’s Jeremy Leggett discussing ‘What’s happening to the PV market?’ and Southern Solar’s Howard Johns asking whether 22GW can be achieved by 2020. For those looking ahead to the Green Deal, PWC’s Paul Davies will be looking at ‘Financing the Green Deal and Access for Installer’. Paul Thompson, REA will be speaking on ‘3-4 Things to Consider for Your Business’, whilst Jonathan Porrit, Forum for the Future, will be giving the keynote address on ‘Making a Success of life’. Lu said: “With so many changes affecting all parts of the renewable energy market, it’s important to understand what the long-term business opportunities will be, and what needs to be done to stay successful.”


The Oilsave campaign goes live

Campaigning to protect the market share of oil heating and cooking, went live on 1st November. The new website has been jointly designed by OFTEC and the Federation Of Petroleum Suppliers (FPS) to provide customers with information and advice about making the best choices to improve energy efficiency. The site aims to delve deeper into renewable technologies, recommending cost effective solutions which include integrating oil with alternative technologies. The campaign is also urging FPS fuel delivery staff and OFTEC technicians to play their part, and encourage their customers to check out the facts on


Gas network in Northern Ireland extended by 2015

More homes in Northern Ireland could have access to natural gas by 2015, the country’s enterprise minister has said. Arlene Foster explained: “We are discussing financing issues with Department of Finance and Personnel (DFP) and liaising with the utility regulator regarding a competition for gas licences. Subject to the outcome of this competition and the completion of the detailed network design and planning approvals process, pipeline construction works could begin in 2015.” An economic assessment on extending the gas network to towns in the west, such as Strabane and Omagh, has been completed. Currently, around 120,000 homes and 8,000 businesses are on the gas network, and an increase would lessen the dependence on oil and coal. “Safe to say it would benefit the west of this province in a way that no other investment has for quite some time,” Arlene added.