Transition 30


Mabanaft announces management restructure

Mabanaft UK managing director Raphael Hüttmann Mabanaft has announced that Raphael Hüttmann is to take over as UK managing director. The move forms ...


Lewis Tankers wins biofuel transport contract

Lewis Tankers has won a two-year contract from PetroIneos Fuels to transport biofuel (‘denatured’ bioethanol) by road from bulk storage tanks located in the Grangemouth ...


A low carbon economy by 2050?

The UK’s sensitivity to oil and gas price shocks could be reduced by using low-carbon forms of electricity generation, claims energy secretary, Edward Davey. ...


A more certain future for solar

Enabling the solar industry and householders to plan with confidence, DECC has introduced a range of changes to the Feed-in Tariffs (FITs) scheme. “UK solar ...


Truck operators bid for funding

The Department for Transport and the Technology Strategy Board Industry have invested £9.5m to support the low carbon demonstration trial. Truck operators are being invited ...


Biodiesel plant opens on Merseyside

The UK’s largest used cooking oil biodiesel plant was opened on Merseyside last week by renewable energy and recycling specialist, Agri. Transport minister, Norman ...