Transition 25


Renovare fuelling the biofuel debate

Updates to the Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation (RTFO) in January 2021 will see fuel suppliers required to increase the amount of renewable fuel they use to ...


UKIFDA begins search for CEO

Last week UKIFDA announced, through social media, that it has begun the search for a new CEO. Posting on LinkedIn, UKIFDA outlined the high-profile role ...


UKIFDA responds to government consultations

UKIFDA has submitted its views on the government’s ‘Future Support for Low Carbon Heat’ and ‘Energy Efficiency in Existing Homes’ consultations.


UKIFDA challenges Irish government on biofuels

The trade association, UKIFDA, whose members supply not only heating oil for homes and businesses but also fuel for agriculture, construction, road transport, marine fuels ...


Calls for investment in hydrogen

The man behind plans for 3,000 hydrogen buses across the UK says a report by think-tank Policy Exchange, calling for more capital investment in hydrogen, is exactly the kind of action the UK government should be taking.


Crown Oil adds to its fleet

The latest addition to the Crown Oil tanker fleet is ready to deliver HVO across the UK. The 8-wheeler DAF tanker joined Crown Oil’s ...


Industry body sees transition as the solution

The leading representative body for the UK’s offshore oil and gas industry, OGUK, has called for the transition to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions to ...


Off grid homeowners benefit from low prices

UKIFDA says off grid homeowners across Great Britain are seeing prices of heating oil drop by up to 27% since the same time last year, according ...