search | renewable-liquid-fuels

Phillips 66 Limited extends its wholesale renewable diesel offering to forecourts as the energy producer continues to evolve to meet customers’ future renewable energy needs


Phillips 66 extends renewable diesel offer to forecourts

...the Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation Order 2007/3072 (as amended.) The Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation Order (RTFO) regulates renewable fuels used for transport in the UK. For further information see our...

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Creating a Taskforce for Liquid Biofuels

Trade Associations OFTEC, TSA and UKIFDA have kicked off 2020 with the launch of a future vision for liquid fuels ‘Supply Chain Strategy for Liquid Fuels’, which details the steps...
Joining the sector from a background in renewables Mark Deeney shares his thoughts on the transition.


A successful transition requires a cross-sector commitment

...renewables, Mark shares his thoughts on the past, present, and future of renewable energy transition, and how the key to long-term success may lie in a more comprehensive, cross-sector commitment...

Further Reading


£800,000 investment expands HVO fuel trials

...Buildings Strategy (more here) which recognises the role of renewable liquid fuels in the decarbonisation of off-grid homes. The demonstration will see properties immediately benefit from an 88% reduction in...


UKIFDA vision for a liquid fuel future plan and for suppliers to innovate and invest to ramp up supplies of liquid biofuels. Use tax rates to incentivise take up of liquid biofuels in domestic, agricultural, and...


Associations push for more from strategy

...the incentives for renewable liquid fuels, beyond aviation and road transport, to include off-grid home heating and removal of all existing European created import tariffs. The full statement follows: UKIFDA...
MPs support bill to incentivise rural households to convert kerosene boilers to HVO


MPs support bill to incentivise renewable liquid fuels

...cover the use of renewable fuels in domestic boilers and remove the current duties from these renewable fuels, which are entirely counterproductive.” In his presentation of the bill Mr Eustice...


Transitioning from oil to renewables – cost or investment?

...“Neste’s transformation shows that change really runs on renewables. Aviation and road transportation are the biggest industries that can benefit from lower-emission renewable fuels. We can offer real, fast and...


UKPIA welcomes FuelsEurope climate neutrality pathway

A FuelsEurope pathway describing how low-carbon liquid fuels could enable the transport sector to contribute to EU’s climate neutrality objective by 2050, has been welcomed by UKPIA. The ‘Clean Fuels...