search | renewable-liquid-fuels


£800,000 investment expands HVO fuel trials

...Buildings Strategy (more here) which recognises the role of renewable liquid fuels in the decarbonisation of off-grid homes. The demonstration will see properties immediately benefit from an 88% reduction in...


Response to Ireland’s Climate Action Plan

The liquid fuel distribution industry believes that the Government must not ignore the use and benefits of renewable liquid fuels in home heating. There are nearly 700,000 homes in Ireland...


Associations push for more from strategy

...the incentives for renewable liquid fuels, beyond aviation and road transport, to include off-grid home heating and removal of all existing European created import tariffs. The full statement follows: UKIFDA...
MPs support bill to incentivise rural households to convert kerosene boilers to HVO


MPs support bill to incentivise renewable liquid fuels

...cover the use of renewable fuels in domestic boilers and remove the current duties from these renewable fuels, which are entirely counterproductive.” In his presentation of the bill Mr Eustice...
Data: the UKIFDA databank


Data: the UKIFDA databank

...levels Biofuels used in transport Liquid biofuels are mainly used in transport – blended with, or replacing, fossil fuels. Biofuels supplied to the road transport sectors represent the majority of...


UKIFDA encourages homeowners to start biofuel transition

... The July issue of Fuel Oil News magazine takes an in depth look at alternative liquid fuels in home heating, transport and agriculture. Subscribe here to receive your copy....