News 66


Andy Smith heads up Fuelmate

Andy Smith brings 17 years experience in the fuel card business to Rix-owned Fuelmate Well-known industry professional Andy Smith has been appointed to head up the Rix-owned Fuelmate fuel card operation. “Fuel cards are my background. I started as a sales rep at 19-years old and have worked in the industry ever since. “In that time I’ve always been aware of Rix – the company has a great reputation – so I’m am really pleased to have been appointed to head up Fuelmate which has fantastic potential. During his career Andy has launched a fuel card division from a standing start, growing it to turnover £50m in nine years.  At 29 he was appointed to senior management level managing both fuel card and retail divisions. He has spent the past four years working in Ireland to grow his knowledge of the European fuel card market. “I will be looking to capitalise on, and grow, the existing brand value of the business whilst working closely with sales and account teams to ensure we’re deriving the greatest value we can from our resources for our customers. “I have my eye firmly on growth and I’m looking forward to taking the business to the next level.” “Andy has a great pedigree in the industry,” said  Rory Clarke, managing director of Rix Petroleum. “We’re very excited to have him on board and confident that Fuelmate is great hands with Andy at the helm.” Hull-based Fuelmate currently employs 15 people across sales, account management and admin roles.  The company supplies all major fuel cards including Keyfuels and UK Fuels, BP, Shell, Texaco, Esso, European card DKV and Fleetmate – a bespoke solution aimed at fleet operators and based on the specific requirements of the client. “Fuelmate can be tailored to the fleet operator’s needs and it’s is also scaleable,” added Andy. “It can be used by companies operating fleets of just three or four vehicles up to those with hundreds of vehicles.”


Puma Energy picks Hoyer Petrolog

Hoyer will have 14 vehicles making bitumen deliveries out of Dagenham, Cardiff and Glasgow on behalf of Puma Energy Hoyer Petrolog has won a four-year contract with Puma Energy, the global mid and downstream energy company which entered the UK bitumen market in July 2015. Deliveries will be made out of storage depots in Dagenham, Cardiff and Glasgow. Allan Davison, operations director, said: “This new business will start with 14 vehicles operating from three UK bases with an expectation of further growth in the coming years. “As well as undertaking physical deliveries Hoyer will be responsible for all planning activity using our bespoke planning software.” Roy Brooke, general manager for Puma Energy UK, said “Puma Energy prides itself on delivering high-quality products safely, swiftly and reliably. Our focus is clear – to help our UK customers grow and prosper via the secure delivery of product which is why we partnered with one of the UK’s best bulk logistics providers.”www.hoyer-group.comwww.pumaenergy.comFOR MORE ON PUMA ENERGY SEE INSIDE OUT IN THE DECEMBER 2015 ISSUE OF FUEL OIL NEWS


Greenergy extends apprenticeships

Understanding the importance of helping the next generation of engineers and technicians, Greenergy’s new apprentice Michael Fesler (r) works alongside mechanical maintenance leader Tony Gibbons Greenergy has taken on its first apprentice at the company’s Plymouth fuel terminal. Michael Fesler, an 18-year old Plymouth resident has just joined another eight young people currently completing their apprenticeships with Greenergy throughout the UK. “Michael brings a renewed enthusiasm to site and we’re all enjoying the opportunity to share our knowledge and experience,” said Tony Gibbons, Greenergy’s mechanical maintenance leader. Michael will spend three and a half days a week learning on the job with his mentor, Tony. Together they conduct routine maintenance inspections and carry out remedial work and safety testing at the fuel terminal. The remainder of Michael’s week is spent at City College Plymouth studying for an NVQ level 2 in mechanical engineering. “We’re taking on another apprentice at our Plymouth terminal next month to help develop the skills we need for the future,” added Tony. “Traditional ‘A’ Levels didn’t appeal to me,” said maintenance apprentice Michael Fesler. “I wanted to start work, and this apprenticeship has allowed me to continue studying while getting hands-on experience in a real working environment. In five years’ time I’d like to have completed my NVQ qualifications and gained an in-depth knowledge of the terminal. It could also be the right time to consider an engineering degree.” Greenergy has owned the Plymouth fuel terminal, made up of sites at Cattedown and Mayflower, since 2008 and recently completed an extensive five year regeneration programme at the


Making light work of heavy oil

The V25 Test Rig at the Trondheim, SINTEF Research Institute Using environmentally friendly methods to process crude and dirty oils, Fluid Oil has commissioned its first heavy to light oil processing technology at its new location on the Thames estuary. Fluid Oil is a British enterprise that started over ten years ago in Norway as the result of a competition to create a new way of turning heavy crude oil into a lighter, higher quality product. Now established and well-proven, the process takes bitumen, or heavy product of less than 6api, turning it into a cleaner, thinner oil for further refining or making into plastic feedstock. The process also thins out very thick crude enabling it to be pumped through pipelines without the need for heating or special solvent additives.  Around 20% of the world’s known oil reserves are of the heavy type that currently requires expensive solvents or heating to make it transportable. The only physical waste product from the process is sand that is clean enough to build with. To take advantage of the engineering and management skills more readily available in the UK, in 2012 the company restructured into the UK from Trondheim. The technology is a game changing innovation on well tested fluid bed processes, meaning gas waste is minimised as a Rig produces the same carbon as a modern double decker bus. Fluid Oil, which has the potential to handle thousands of barrels of oil a year at its new site, will begin processing product within the year.  Even with the reducing oil prices recently experienced, Fluid Oil can compete as it can process viably with prices as low as $15 a barrel! The company is now building new Rigs in the UK for overseas customers and the analysis of their oil


The ‘Oil is cheaper’ campaign

Last month several oil boiler, tank and burner manufacturers got together to promote the use of oil with an advertisement in the Belfast Telegraph. ___________________________________________________________________ WITH THE GROWTH OF NATURAL GAS ACROSS IRELAND, THE NOVEMBER ISSUE OF FUEL OIL NEWS ASKS WHAT MEASURES ARE IRISH DISTRIBUTORS TAKING TO HELP PROTECT THEIR SHARE OF THE ENERGY MARKET?   EMAIL __________________________________________________________________ With oil prices at a five-year low, boiler manufacturers Firebird, Grant and Warmflow together with tank manufacturers Harlequin and Kingspan and burner manufacturer Riello worked together to promote a pro oil message to consumers reminding them that ‘oil is cheaper’ than all the alternatives in Northern Ireland. The advertisement, which appeared within the home heat supplement in the Belfast Telegraph on Thursday 29th October, is in direct response to a very aggressive natural gas promotion in Northern Ireland. “It is proposed that this marketing committee of manufacturers will look at pushing out the ‘oil is cheaper’ message across Ireland in 2016,” said David Blevings, OFTEC’s Ireland manager.  “The intention is to build this into a bigger and better campaign to retain oil customers.” For more information, please contact David Blevings.  


Oil boilers – no to scrappage scheme

Amber Rudd, secretary of state at the Department of Energy and Climate Change understands about the efficiencies of modern oil condensing boilers but will not support a boiler scrappage scheme Amber Rudd, secretary of state at the Department of Energy and Climate Change, is not prepared to support a boiler scrappage scheme, which, she says, ‘would only serve to undermine the long term strategy for the UK’. In response to a letter sent to her by OFTEC chairman, Nick Hawkins, soon after she was appointed as the head of DECC, Ms Rudd said: “Regarding your proposal for a boiler scrappage scheme, I do understand your point about the efficiencies of modern oil condensing boilers and the effect this can have on fuel consumption and households should be made aware of and take the opportunity if they are choosing a new oil boiler to make these savings. “The UK, however, is committed to reducing carbon emissions by 80% by 2050 and significant reductions throughout the interim period in our carbon budgets.  This is a challenging goal.  Of course, oil, like other fossil fuels, will continue to play a role in the UK’s energy mix in the short term, but if we are to achieve a reduction of this level then it is likely to require reducing emissions from buildings to near zero. “To make the transition to a low carbon economy then we will need to change the way we heat our homes. This will mean lowering the energy demand across all the UK’s housing stock through better thermal efficiency, changing consumer behaviour as well as deploying low carbon and renewable heating alternatives. “As you are aware, the primary vehicle for supporting the uptake of renewable heating systems is the Domestic Renewable Heating Initiative (RHI) which is targeted to homes that are off the gas grid, with the clear view that those without mains gas have the greatest challenge in making the switch and, depending on their current fuel, the greatest impact on carbon emissions.” Ms Rudd concluded: “You will understand, therefore, why at a time when we need to focus public spending much more acutely on our objectives, I cannot support a boiler scrappage scheme, which would only serve to undermine the long term strategy for the UK.” Ms Rudd’s letter to Nick Hawkins was written around two weeks before the government announced its proposal to slash the feed-in tariff rates for solar PV by as much as 87% from January 2016 – a move the solar industry has widely condemned.


Road Safety Week 23rd-29th November

Employers are being urged to encourage staff to Drive less, live more – the theme of this year’s Road Safety Week.


Sold – Esso Ireland’s fuels business

“This deal adds real substance to our operations here,” said Emmet O’Neill. “We believe there’s real scope to develop this business further through innovations like our Re.Store convenience stores and our partnership with Rockets in the years ahead.“ Following the acquisition by Topaz Investments, parent company of Topaz Energy,  the Topaz network will extend to 425 service stations, 162 of which will be company owned, giving the company a presence in all 32 counties on the island of Ireland. Welcoming the decision by the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) to approve the purchase of Esso Ireland’s fuels and convenience business in Ireland, Emmet O’Neill, chief executive of Topaz Energy said: “In just 10 years, Topaz has successfully taken on and bought out the Irish retail businesses of three of the largest oil companies in the world  – Shell, Statoil and now Esso – to create a truly significant and innovative Irish business and a major Irish employer.” The deal will see Esso Ireland and its wholly owned subsidiaries, Ireland ROC and Esso Ireland Manufacturing Company acquired by Topaz.  The deal does not include ExxonMobil’s upstream, chemical and lubricants businesses in Ireland which are unaffected by this transaction. The CCPC has directed that Topaz must dispose of three Esso service stations and also its interest in the Joint Fuels Terminal at Dublin Port. Following the transaction, which is expected to close on 1st December, Topaz will become one of the top 10 largest companies in Ireland with a turnover of approximately €3.5 billion and employing 2,000 staff. Topaz also has divisions in home heating, commercial and aviation fuel


Hoyer strengthens relationship with Esso

“The extension of operation to cover logistics on behalf of Esso is a significant development for the business,” said Allan Davison, operations director for Hoyer Petrolog in the UK & Ireland Hoyer Petrolog has been awarded a new three-year contract by Esso. The UK-based contract runs until June 2019 and covers Esso’s UK industrial and wholesale delivery network and its delivery business for Tesco Express (Alliance). Under the new contract Hoyer Petrolog will also undertake all supply chain management activities including order taking, stock management, planning and delivery confirmation for Esso. “I am delighted to announce this strengthening of our relationship with Esso,” said Allan Davison, operations director for Hoyer Petrolog in the UK & Ireland. “I would like to thank everyone involved at Hoyer Petrolog for their contribution towards this successful outcome.” The transition towards Hoyer fulfilling the new Full Service solution for Esso is likely to take around six months through to the second quarter of 2016. The agreement with Esso follows a string of new business wins for Hoyer Petrolog including the recent additional branded wholesaler contracts awarded by Eurogarages, MRH and Rontec in the south of


Top ranking for Rix

Delighted by the company’s achievement Rory Clarke, managing director of Rix Petroleum and board member of J.R. Rix & Sons Having grown its profits to £4.4m last year J.R. Rix & Sons has been ranked 38th in the 2015 Sunday Times Grant Thornton Top Track 250. “To continually feature in the Sunday Times Grant Thornton Top Track 250 is a real source of pride for the company,” said  Rory Clarke, managing director of Rix Petroleum and group board member. “The list features some truly great businesses so to be ranked alongside them is always a thrill. “Whilst we experienced a small drop in turnover last year – group turnover was £453m in 2014 – slightly down on the previous year due to a fall in the price of oil – however the volume of oil we sold outstripped that in 2013 and we grew profits by 33% so it was a solid performance to say the least, and we’re delighted that our progress continues to be recognised by the Sunday Times.” The Hull firm, which started out as ship owners in 1873 and today has interests in fuel distribution, shipping, motor cars, caravan manufacturing and property, has appeared in the prestigious business listing for the 10th time in 11


Oil Terminal 2015 – new multi-billion USD projects

Russian oil companies have rapidly increased exports to post-Soviet record levels as internal demand has declined by a quarter and international oil prices have fallen. Among the companies discussing recent projects at Oil Terminal 2015 will be Gazprom Neft, Rosneft – both of which along with Surgutneftegaz and Lukoil, showed rapid growth in the second quarter of this year – and Bashneft. The agenda at the Oil Terminal 2015 industry forum reflects how growing oil exports have led to additional demands to increase the capacity of tank farms and exporting oil terminals. Tank Farms and Oil Terminals – 10th technology conference The companies below have confirmed their participation in the 10th technology conference Tank Farms and Oil Terminals, which will take place in St. Petersburg on 26-27 November as a part of the Oil Terminal 2015 industry forum. Rosneft, Transneft, Ust Luga Oil Terminal, Gazpromneft Terminal, Rosrezerv, Don Terminal, Chernomor Trans Neft, Port of Amsterdam, Port of Rotterdam, Port of Novorosiysk, Port of Kozmino, Port of Ust-Luga, Port of Primorsk, St. Petersburg Oil Terminal, Sibur-Portenergo, Transit-DV, Neftegasindustria-Management, Rosneft-KubanNefteprodukt, Baltic Gas Chemical Company, Baltmorproekt and Gazprom Neft Marine Bunker Key projects will be presented by expert speakers and delegations giving attendees insights, experience and strategies direct from the terminal operators.


Lubricants rally to testing conditions

Fuelled by Morris Lubricants, the three Group 4 RS 1800 Mark 2 Ford Escorts that will be competing in the East African Classic Safari Rally Shrewsbury-based Morris Lubricants is to provide specially formulated lubricants for next month’s East African Classic Safari Rally. Morris Lubricants will assist three Group 4 RS 1800 Mark 2 Ford Escorts entered by Newtown-based Viking Motorsport. Participants will be covering 4,000 miles between Kenya and Tanzania meaning the cars’ engines will need to withstand searing heat of 40 degrees Celsius over long distances. “It’s the roughest, toughest rally in the world,” said Viking Motorsport’s’ managing director Phil Mills who won the 2003 World Rally Championship. “We’re rallying in extreme conditions with 45-year old cars, which are specially prepared for the punishing surfaces. “We’ve developed a good working relationship with the technical team at Morris Lubricants,” said Phil who will also have 20 staff, eight trucks and a helicopter to support the three cars out in Africa. “We need a slightly heavier engine oil and slightly better gear and differential oils for this long distance rally. Morris Lubricants have come up with everything we needed and they have been faultless. “When we strip the engines, gearboxes and transmissions, they’re like brand new, which shows how good the oils are. The company provides a high quality, dedicated service that you don’t get from larger oil companies.” “We’re delighted to continue our relationship with Phil Mills and his team at Viking Motorsport, said Craig Bastable, Morris Lubricants’ marketing manager. “It’s a real testament to the quality and performance of our products that they’re chosen by motorsport professionals to keep these classic cars running smoothly in such extreme conditions.  We wish them success in the East African Classic Safari Rally.” The rally takes place from 19th – 27th November – cars will be driven by Jorge Perez-Companc and co-driver José Volta from Argentina, Jan Hagman from Sweden and English co-driver Philip Clarke and John Lloyd and Adrian Cavenagh, an English/Kenyan pairing.  Phil  has set a target of the trio all finishing in the top 10, with at least one driver on the podium. Two years ago, his cars finished third and


Tank farm open day

Certas is responsible for several market-leading lubricant brands including Shell, Castrol, Gulf, Valvoline and Total Last week Certas Energy opened the doors of its Livingston warehouse in West Lothian to existing and prospective customers and local businesses. The 33,000 sq ft hub has been opened just under a year and as well as a huge warehouse facility, the new site features a specifically designed tank farm, with a 150,000 litre storage capacity, as well as holding in excess of 2000 pallets. “We wanted to demonstrate and guide visitors through the bulk facilities offered at our new depot,” said Andrew Salton general manager, Certas Energy North. “Perhaps the most important part of our operations is our lubricant farm; we went to one of the best fuel tank manufacturers in the UK – the Blake Group – who were invaluable in helping us achieve our goals. The unique design and set-up of the tanks ensures we eliminate contamination, as well as having total control of oil in/out of the tanks with millilitre accuracy.” Certas is responsible for several market-leading lubricant brands including Shell, Castrol, Gulf, Valvoline and Total, which meet the requirements of every major sector, including agricultural, automotive, commercial, manufacturing, industrial, haulage, marine and


Getting the most out of your diesel

To speak to one of our fuel experts please call us on +44 (0) 121 511 0470 IPU recently launched its upgraded Diesel Defence on-tank fuel polishing systems to deliver improved filtration, user-friendliness and to ensure smooth running for back-up generators in applications such as hospitals, datacentres and hazardous environments. Recognising that fuel polishing is a job that often falls under the radar, IPU has designed its new Diesel Defence DD50 (flow rate of 50 litres per minute for tanks holding 7,500 and 40,000 litres) and DD100 (flow rate of 100 litres per minute for tanks holding 40,000 and 75,000 litres) to be the simplest, fuss-free fuel polishing solution to ensure users get  the most out of their fuel. Engineered to a high standard Diesel Defence  remains user friendly; simply set it up once and it will run unassisted, month after month.  Alerts, which can also be sent by email, are clearly displayed on the integrated touchscreen controller which is visible at any time through a viewing panel. The touchscreen controller is password-protected to prevent unauthorised alterations to the fuel polishing cycle. With improved filtration for water, the advanced water absorbing filters remove virtually all emulsified and free water present in the tank preventing both injector damage and microbial growth.  The multi-stage fuel filtration system removes solid and microbial contamination to the one micron level ensuring fuel is maintained to surpass ISO 4406’s 18/16/13 standard of cleanliness and EN590’s 200ppm level of water content. Several improvements have been made to increase reliability; anti-rotational fittings prevent the polisher’s internal pipework turning when external pipes are tightened during regular maintenance checks. Optional extra features include an external alarm beacon, custom enclosures (e.g. vented with extractor fan) and a particle counter plus IPU has the ability to adapt to specific needs and


An eventful and exciting year at MFG

Morrisons is to pilot a convenience food offer in five filling station shops owned by the Motor Fuel Group which was recently ranked 40th in the 11th annual Sunday Times Grant Thornton Top Track 250. “In April, we were ranked 9th in the Sunday Times BDO Profit Track 100 league table of Britain’s private companies with the fastest-growing profits,” said  Jeremy Clarke, MFG’s managing director. “Our position in the Top Track 250 is yet another sign of our success in achieving our commitment to become one of the most dynamic and profitable independent forecourt operators in the UK.  2015 is continuing to be a very eventful and exciting year for us.” The league table ranks Britain’s private mid-market growth companies with the biggest sales;  All the 250 companies in the table increased sales or profits by at least 10% in their latest year. The Morrisons’ pilot will start by the end of the year and will allow Morrisons to supply branded and own-brand food to the forecourt stores.


New bunkering facility opens

Guests were treated to a tour of the Harefield site plus a fully catered meal from award winning chef, Andy Waugh, and an inspirational speech from guest presenter Phil Bevan, designer and founder of Trident Cars, producer of the world’s fastest diesel car. Following a £1 million investment, Advance Fuels formally opened its redeveloped Harefield Oil Terminal at Uxbridge on 30th September. The terminal is now the second largest fuelling facility to the west of Greater London, with a storage capacity of over 1.3 million litres for road diesel, gas oil and kerosene, and represents one of the largest development projects commissioned by Certas Energy. Addressing an audience of local dignitaries, businessmen, customers, journalists and staff,  Alex Ward, regional manager for Advance Fuels said: “This is the conclusion of a complex redevelopment project, which has transformed the site into the modern facility we have here today. “With London and the south east having seen a sharp decline in fuel storage and supply over the past 10 years following the closure of Buncefield and Coryton, Certas Energy responded to customer demand and invested in Harefield to provide a much needed fuel source and security of supply for customers in the capital, Home Counties and the south east. “There are now 18 employees on site and we’ve also launched a sales apprentice scheme in conjunction with Sussex Downs College – the company’s first. This is proving beneficial, and I hope to extend the initiative further across my region,” added


New fuel operations director at MFG

Having worked with a traditional oil company, two supermarkets and a key fuels importer/blender, Simon Davis brings some 26 years of valuable oil industry experience to the MFG management team The Motor Fuel Group (MFG) has confirmed the appointment of Simon Davis as its new fuel operations director. Within the MFG management team, Simon will be responsible for the on-going business relationships with MFG’s fuel suppliers, all fuel operations and for the implementation of the company’s fuel pricing strategy at each MFG service station in order to optimise revenue and volumes across the MFG network. Jeremy Clarke, managing director of MFG said: “Simon has an excellent track record and he brings valuable experience which will help to strengthen our already strong fuels team. Success in this key area of our business is essential to the continued growth and profitability of MFG.” Starting with Kuwait Petroleum in 1989 where he held various business, planning and logistics positions over eight years, Simon then spent the next seven years with two leading supermarkets, Morrisons and Safeway, to successfully manage the development and growth of their filling station activities. For the past 10 years, Simon has been company director and head of sales and logistics for Harvest Energy with full responsibility for all UK downstream sales, marketing and logistics and the successful introduction of the Harvest Energy forecourt


Inver Energy tanker seeks title

Designed with a bespoke modification to the highly successful single compartment version of the established 42,000 litre LAG 6 compartment petrol tankers, Inver Energy’s latest tanker has joined others seeking to take the title of Fuel Oil News 2015 tanker of the year.


Multimodal logistics training centre

Patrick Henry, director of logistics at Modal Training which will deliver realistic training, replicating the working environment in a wide range of settings Road, rail, sea and air  – plans for the first integrated, multimodal logistics training have been unveiled for Immingham. The new £7million centre of excellence for the ports, energy and logistics sectors is on schedule for completion and full operation in September 2016.  Funded by the Grimsby Institute and the Humber LEP, it will be located in a 5,696 m2 fit for purpose designed facility on Kings Road in Immingham. Equipped with state-of-the-art simulators for training maritime crew, truck and crane drivers, Modal Training will deliver realistic training, replicating the working environment, in a wide range of settings.  Facilities will include extensive warehousing, engineering and rail safety teaching facilities, and the UK’s only Air Freight Forwarding Academy. “The Humber is already home to the UK’s largest, multi-purpose ports complex which, for decades, has supported a growing trade in coal, cars, food, freight, passengers and petroleum,” said Sam Whitaker, vice-principal for strategic projects at the Grimsby Institute and board member of Modal Training “Now the region is set to expand again, as it takes on a new role as the international logistics hub for the emerging renewables energy sector.” “We’re looking forward to working with the Modal team to ensure that the programmes being developed meet our needs exactly,” added Mike Sellers, ABP’s port manager for Grimsby and Immingham. “I urge other businesses to get in touch to discuss their own requirements. This is a unique opportunity to be involved in the creation of a centre of excellence for our sector.”


On the Button with Synergy

In a 360° VR experience, Esso has captured Jensen Button driving a McLaren Formula 1™ car around Silverstone In late September Esso launched Synergy Fuels with a star-studded event at the iconic UnderGlobe venue in London.


Further growth for JET

Restalrig Road in Edinburgh is one of seven new JET sites added over the past couple of months The JET fuel brand has attracted seven new sites to its network during the past couple of months. The new sites have added a combined volume of more than 13 mlpa to the JET network. In Scotland, JET has welcomed Restalrig Road in Edinburgh and Inverinate Service Station in the Kyle of Lochalsh, with Inverinate now JET’s most westerly site in the UK. In North East England – already a strong territory for JET – Fylingdales Service Station near Whitby, Fencehouses Service Station in Houghton Le Spring and Foxcover Filling Station in Sunderland, which is owned by Gradebrook Filling Stations Ltd, have chosen JET as their fuel supplier. JET is also the supplier of choice for Haslingden Service Station near Rossendale in Lancashire and Wragby Road Filling Station in Lincoln, another site owned by the Gradebrook Filling Stations group. John Norton, owner of Fylingdales Service Station near Whitby, comments: “We’ve been incredibly impressed by JET since we joined the brand a couple of months ago. It’s the first time in years that I’ve felt like a valued customer, rather than just a number.” John continues: “I knew that JET had a strong reputation for customer service and reliability and I can now see why. They do what they say when they say they will – no messing around. They work to fit in with our schedules, rather than just delivering when it suits them. Reliability of deliveries was a major criteria for me when choosing a new supplier and I can certainly say JET doesn’t disappoint in this area.” “It’s testament to the strength of JET’s dealer offering that we’re continuing to attract new sites to our network,” said Carl Smaller, territory manager Immingham North & East. “Within a short a space of time, all seven new sites have been fully re-imaged in the latest JET branding and are already benefiting from our security of supply, competitive pricing and flexible dealer support packages.”


Fuelling the BBC’s DIY SOS

The BBC DIY SOS team on the project – the final product can be seen on October 14th and 21st on BBC1 from 8pm Four thousand litres of gas oil were donated by Certas Energy to fuel the equipment and machinery that was required to keep the BBC DIY SOS’s Veterans Village build project operational. The company worked alongside hundreds of Manchester building firms and tradesmen to develop a veterans’ community by bringing 25 empty homes back into use at Newton Heath in east Manchester. “We couldn’t have done this without the amazing support of all these trades,” said Nick Knowles, the BBC DIY SOS presenter. The enormous amount of help – in time, materials, labour and much more- is a tribute to our nation’s building industry.” During the first phase, which ended last month when Princes William and Harry visited the site and helped put in some of the finishing touches, saw eight of the street’s empty homes refurbished to create three larger adapted residential homes for veterans and their families, one standard size property and a veteran walk-in support and advice centre. “Certas Energy is committed to being a good corporate citizen,” said commercial manager Darren Holloway.   “This is just one way we can give back to the community in which we operate.  This project will provide quality homes for some very deserving individuals; it’s a pleasure for us to be able to do our bit to get these properties constructed and habitable.” Along with the BBC’s DIY SOS Big Build project team, the project brought together Manchester City Council, charities Walking With The Wounded and Haig Housing, and Adactus Housing Groups. Energy. As the project moves in to its second phase, any further support the construction industry can provide is welcome to assist the charity Haig Housing with the refurbishing of the remaining 17 empty properties. Follow the conversation on Twitter:  #DIYSOSVeterans


Diesel – the need to go further afield

As diesel imports currently account for 45% of the UK’s needs – Greenergy is ‘ensuring a low-cost and secure supply for our customers now and into the future’ Diesel importer Greenergy has responded to a recently published report by the RAC Foundation which says that with diesel being sold twice as fast as petrol, the ‘UK will become increasingly reliant upon imported diesel’. “The RAC is right to point out that the UK is having to look further and further afield for the diesel we need,” said Greenergy chief executive Andrew Owens. “That’s precisely why Greenergy has been investing in modern import terminals at North Tees and Thames Oilport.  With their deep-water jetties, these investments will allow us to source more and more of our diesel direct from global producers, be they in the Middle East, Asia or the US, to ensure a low-cost and secure supply of diesel for our customers now and into the future.” The Readdressing the balance between petrol and diesel demand report was written by Nick Vandervell who has worked in the oil industry since the early 1980s. From 2004 to the end of 2013 Nick was UKPIA’s communications director where he was responsible for developing and implementing a communications strategy that encompassed government and media relations. He co-authored or authored major publications for UKPIA including Meeting our energy needs – the Future of UK Oil Refining and Fuelling the UK’s future – the role of our refining and downstream oil


The best forecourt in Scotland

Certas Energy retail director, Ramsay MacDonald and cluster manager Senga Mulrine with TV comedian Alexander Armstrong Gulf-branded Carronvale Service Station has received top prize in the Best Forecourt in Scotland (+4 million litres pa) category in the Forecourt Trader awards 2015. “Carronvale is a site we are proud of,” said Colin Levy, retail operations manager at Certas Energy, which operates the flagship petrol forecourt. “Although a large forecourt in a busy location, store manager Derek Paton and his team are still able to provide a personal touch and genuine customer service.  Employees at the site listen to feedback to ensure the product range meets the customers’ needs. Within our growing company portfolio of 23 company-owned sites, Carronvale deserves its standing as our leading forecourt.” “This award is testimony that we deserve our status as the company’s flagship store,” added Derek.