search | people-moves


DCC on ambitions for Ireland and energy transition

...of people, a lot of great people, focussed on great customer service.” People are the biggest positive “Over the last two years, through the Covid pandemic, our people have been...
UK Downstream – bringing in the next generation


UK Downstream: bringing in the next generation

With the next generation integral to the future success of the downstream industry, Claudia Weeks spoke with both the young people in our sector and key industry figures to find...


Silvey Fleet awarded Investors in People Gold accreditation

...and their development. The company believes that happy and motivated employees are essential to drive business forward. In its feedback, Investors in People reported: “You have provided effective people management...
A look at what drives successful recruitment and retention at NWF Fuels


Recruitment and retention at NWF Fuels learn, to develop and to have a structured career pathway. We have that investment in people. “Our on-boarding process, when people first join the business, has improved significantly too....

More search | people-moves

Distributor Diaries October 2023


Distributor diaries October 2023 and raised £525 for the Blood Bikes – I am so grateful to everyone that sponsored me for such a worthy cause! “People have asked if I would do...
In Conversation with The Oil Lady


In Conversation with The Oil Lady

...had an idea for an anti-theft device for tanks. I spoke to a couple of local people, and they said: “Why don’t you start a company and then you can...

Further Reading


COP26 Blog 3: A just energy transition

...opportunities that attract the best and brightest talent. “With today’s focus on people, I’ve been speaking with OPITO – the global skills body for the energy sector.” People crucial to...


In Conversation with Miriam James of Silvey Fleet

...awarded the ‘We Invest in People’ Gold accreditation. Investors in People recognised, over the past year that, despite there having been significant changes to the business, our employees have remained...


The CBA launches a new hub for attracting talent

The Chemical Business Association (CBA) has launched its People & Skills Hub, a new and exciting creative space to further its mission in making the chemical supply chain an employer...


Backing a certainty

...businesses. Asked for the secret of his success, owner Frank Hunter said the company’s strength came from its people, citing his 28-year old sales manager, Paul Vian for special mention....
A new, free-to-use service launched by Bytestrype, a payment card platform, WhatsFuel helps avoid excess fees or surcharges at petrol stations through a Whatsapp chatbot.


Money-saving app launched to counter escalating fuel costs

Whatsfuel is a brand-new, free-to-use service recently launched by Bytestrype, a payment card platform, that helps people avoid paying excess fees or surcharges at petrol stations through the use of...