search | skill-shortage


Industry angered by plans to address driver shortages

...everything needed to keep the economy going, but the current workforce cannot be expected to fill the gaps created by the current skills shortage. The road freight industry vehemently opposed...

More search | skill-shortage


Fuel crisis proves that supply trust is vital substitute. Both these together imply that any hint of shortage for any reason will lead to panic buying by car owners, resulting in shortages at best. “However, at a...

Further Reading


The CBA launches a new hub for attracting talent

...workforce with varying skills and experience, not just to operate, but to innovate and grow. “Our aim with The People & Skills Hub is to build a comprehensive range of...


Developing the skills for the fuels of tomorrow, today

...competent and skilled workforce is vital With regard to the implications for future skill requirements Huw explains: “The characteristics of hydrogen are well understood and already covered within existing international...
In conversation with Adam Franklin of Greenergy Flexigrid.


The evolving scope of fuel logistics

...fortunate not to be heavily impacted by the shortages thanks to our strong reputation and proposition for drivers. However, driver shortages elsewhere prompted the fuel crisis of late 2021 and...


Are you liable for missed deliveries?

The current shortage of HGV drivers is well documented. A combination of Covid, Brexit and other factors has meant that there are simply not enough drivers to meet UK demand....