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The distributor offer revisited

...a distributor’s portfolio beyond domestic heating and agricultural markets. Consequently, the distributor network now fulfils a pivotal role in the downstream oil value chain.  Distributors are not only the main...


A better strategy for Irish distributors

Having read January’s Irish column ‘with interest’, a concerned Irish distributor sent the following tongue in cheek comment. We Republic of Ireland (RoI) distributors are currently experiencing something of a bloodbath...


The next generation of fuel distributors

...the family-owned fuel distribution business, Mark Nolan is someone who clearly sees the challenge that succession planning presents to the independent distributor: “My grandfather was the first distributor in the...

More search | distributor

The measure of change in the downstream oil sector will be greater than that faced by many as the energy transition gathers pace. Against that backdrop we consider some of the major challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.   


Key challenges and opportunities facing the fuel distributor many sectors as the so-called ‘energy transition’ gathers pace. This should not hold undue fears and anxieties for oil distributors; after all, many have successfully navigated the transition from...