
A more certain future for solar

Solar energymore certain
Enabling the solar industry and householders to plan with confidence, DECC has introduced a range of changes to the Feed-in Tariffs (FITs) scheme.
“UK solar continues to be an attractive proposition for many consumers considering microgeneration technologies,” said energy minister Greg Barker at last week’s announcement.
From August 1st, the tariff for a small domestic solar installation will be 16p per kilowatt hour, down from 21p, and will be set to decrease on a three month basis thereafter, with pauses if the market slows down.  All tariffs will continue to be index-linked in line with the retail price index (RPI), and the export tariff will be increased from 3.2p to 4.5p. The new tariffs should give a return on investment of around 6% for most typical, well-sited installations.
Government recognition
Alan Aldridge, chairman of the Solar Trade Association, commented: “This should reassure consumers and solar companies alike that the government recognises and stands behind a major role for the solar industry.”

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