Founded after the closure of the Milford Haven Refinery in December 2014, InSite has expanded from six founding directors to its current workforce of 90, comprising a blend of full and part-time employees, supporting contractors and associates. The company operates both locally and internationally, supplying engineering design, technical consultancy and operational services to a variety of clients.
InSite is active in the oil refining, gas, and storage industries, as well LNG, metals and chemicals. In the past four years InSite has worked in 10 European countries, the Middle East, Canada, Vietnam and Korea. The new premises will enable InSite to continue to grow, increasing its client base and developing its offering to other energy sectors such nuclear and renewables.
Many InSite clients attended the opening event on 4th July 2019 with e managing director
Jean Martin thanked guests for their continued support over the company’s first four years of operation. InSite also acknowledged the support of the Welsh government in the course of its development and for supporting the refurbishment of the new building.
US citizen Ed Tomp, general manager at the Valero Refinery and chairman of the Haven Waterway Enterprise Board, was ‘encouraged to have a local engineering company on the doorstep of the Haven-based energy sites’ and delighted to have the opening event on the 4th July.
Cutting the ribbon at the event were Dai Evans, who worked at BP’s Angle Bay oil terminal exactly 50 years ago, and InSite’s youngest recruit, Ellie Wheeler who joined the company as a trainee in 2016 after completing her ‘A’ levels. Ellie is now a very proficient CAD operator and project planner.
“The new premises will allow InSite to continue to grow and provide a first-class engineering service to both existing and new clients,” said Jean.
InSite expansion
Pembrokeshire-based technical consultancy InSite Technical Services has officially opened its new premises at 1 Cleddau Bridge, Pembroke Dock.