
Your furry friends at work

To celebrate ‘National Take your Dog to Work Day’, which will be held on June 21st 2024, we decided to dedicate the cover of this, our June issue, to our furry friends.

Craggs Energy Emily

Inspired by a fantastic cover image from August 2022 featuring LCM Environmental who operate a ‘dog-friendly’ policy to improve mental health and well-being at work, we invited you to submit your favourite photos of your own pets at work. And you certainly delivered! A fantastic selection made it so tough for the FON team to choose their three favourites to put to a public vote that four made it to the final.

Voting was extremely close, with Craggs Energy narrowly beating New Era Energy to the coveted prize of featuring as this issue’s cover stars. The runners up were Ford Fuels and WCF Chandlers – both featured in this gallery.

A huge thank you to everyone that sent in photos. We absolutely LOVED them all and hope you enjoy the selection here.

Image credits: Craggs Energy, WCF Chandlers, Ford Fuels, New Era Energy, NWF