Mabanaft appoints new management team

With Raphael having been Mabanaft Limited’s acting managing director for the past five years, now is a good time for these changes to take place.
With three strong years of trading, and a consistently solid P&L, Raphael has achieved his stated goal of refocusing Mabanaft Limited and achieving increased profitability through improved efficiencies in the supply chain.
Martin and Eoin have worked closely with Raphael throughout. More recently, during a transitional period, they have also been fulfilling management responsibilities, so the whole process will be seamless.
Martin has been with Mabanaft for nine years, four of these as marketing manager. He has an in-depth understanding of the fuel industry, a clear and focused approach to business and excellent management skills, and is looking forward to the opportunities that this new role brings. Mabanaft’s sales, supply and operations teams will report to Martin.
Eoin, a highly qualified accountant with twenty years’ experience, has worked as finance director for Mabanaft Limited for five years. He has been involved in all aspects of the business and played a significant role in helping increase profits and reduce costs as well as business exposure. The finance, risk and IT support teams report to Eoin.
“Replacing my role has been remarkably straightforward,” said Raphael.
“Mabanaft always looks to retain skill and re-deploy staff within the group, so appointing Martin and Eoin as joint managing directors made perfect sense.
“Looking ahead, as joint head of the Mabanaft Group I will be available to provide support to the UK operation whenever required.”
“Eoin and I are both delighted and excited to be taking over joint management of Mabanaft Limited, said Martin
“We have a sound and stable team of people, who work well together, and are looking forward to further developing the business over the coming years.”