Market & Supply 24


New appointment at Phillips 66

Renee Semiz will assume the position of managing director, UK marketing, Phillips 66 Limited in January 2021. Renee relocates to the UK from Phillips 66’s Houston office in the USA and takes over from Mary Wolf who, following a smooth transition period, will relocate to the Houston office and assume the role of general manager, global specialties. Having joined the business in 1998, Renee has an extensive and diverse background across refining, process engineering, commercial commodities, optimisation and marketing. She has held various roles in Phillips 66, most recently as manager, brand U.S. marketing. In this role she was responsible for leading the rebranding of service stations, advertising and programs for Phillips 66’s large network in the United States. Renee has also spent time working internationally in China, India, Turkey, Lithuania and Germany in her early career. Mary Wolf, currently managing director UK marketing at Phillips 66 Limited, comments: “I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome Renee to the UK marketing family. She brings a great deal of experience and enthusiasm to the team, and I’m sure she will lead the business to new heights. We have a great UK team and incredible, wonderful customers that it has been my privilege to serve. I would like to sincerely and deeply thank everyone for their business and friendship over the last five years. I will dearly miss you all.” Renee Semiz, currently manager, brand U.S. marketing: “I am looking forward to joining the UK business and building on the strong working relationships that Mary established with our customers. Mary and her team have done a fantastic job transforming the UK business and I’m looking forward to continuing our strategic initiatives. I wish Mary continued successes as she transitions into her new role in Houston.”  


Truck drivers and cyclists: essential safety advice

At time of writing we are in ‘Road Safety Week 2020’, the UK’s biggest road safety event, which is coordinated annually by Brake, the road safety charity. Designed to stimulate community involvement, the event has great scope to reach many people across the nation and remind them of road safety, thus potentially preventing many accidents. Fuel distribution is an industry well renowned for its unwavering focus on and commitment to safety but, with one of the impacts of lockdown being the reduction of motorised vehicles on the nation’s roads and the subsequent increase in the number of bikes, we hear from Brake as they revisit the challenges this presents to truck drivers. Every professional truck driver knows that encountering cyclists on busy roads can be a major source of stress, demanding extreme levels of concentration and patience, especially in the face of sometimes careless or dangerous behaviour from riders. Thankfully, due to the focus and skill of drivers, the vast majority of truck/bike encounters pass without incident. But there are now urgent reasons why drivers need to redouble their efforts.


Kettlewell Fuels expands delivery fleet

North Yorkshire-based Kettlewell Fuels has added two new tankers and a ‘Tank in a Van’ to its fleet, creating greater capacity and even more flexibility when it comes to delivering across the region – even the remotest parts. Based in Ripon, Kettlewell Fuels has taken delivery of two DAF four-wheel tankers that have been specified to meet the company’s requirements. Both tankers have a larger capacity and are able to take 9,300 litres compared with the company’s other four-wheelers. The new tankers also have a much more efficient pumping system, making the whole delivery process even smoother. Always looking to develop the business, Janet Kettlewell explains: “The two new DAF tankers will deliver market-leading efficiency for us as a business, giving us even more flexibility within our already versatile fleet. “We also like to ensure our drivers are looked after in terms of comfort. I’m pleased to say we’ve had some great feedback from them – apparently the new tankers are comfortable and nice to drive too. Commenting on the other addition to the fleet, Janet says: “It’s important to us that we offer an agile customer service and to help us do this we’ve adapted a vehicle to hold a 400-litre oil dispensing tank. Known as our ‘Tank in a Van’, this vehicle will enable us to make small emergency deliveries and quickly respond to customers in need. “We’re now in a very good position going into winter, as our expanded fleet will provide us with greater delivery capacity. We’ve noticed recently that more customers are choosing to support local businesses; it’s been a busy time. Our larger fleet will definitely help when the inevitable cold snap arrives.” Kettlewell Fuels is North Yorkshire’s trusted independent fuel oil supplier to the domestic, agricultural and commercial sectors and is a member of the UK & Ireland Fuel Distributors Association (UKIFDA).    


Mitchell & Webber renews fleet tyre partnership with Prometeon

Mitchell & Webber has renewed its fleet tyre partnership with Prometeon Tyre Group UK for another 12 months. Operating for 120 years across Cornwall, Devon and Somerset, Mitchell & Webber is one of the South West’s longest established distributors of home heating oil, commercial, agricultural and marine fuels, as well as lubricants and industrial services. The extension of the initial contract, signed between Mitchell & Webber and Prometeon in March 2018, covers the supply of tyres for all vehicles in the Mitchell & Webber fleet, including more than 50 trucks and trailers. Pirelli Triathlon tyres are specified on the bulk of the fleet delivering high mileage and low fuel consumption. Prometeon’s G:01 range, for mixed-use vehicles operating on roads, construction sites, and under aggressive tread-wear conditions, are specified where required. Darren Heywood, fleet business development manager for Prometeon, said: “Initially, when we began working with Mitchell & Webber, our Pirelli Triathlon range was put under test as a direct comparison against their incumbent tyre policy. We monitored tyre performance and also carried out a detailed weighing exercise to enable us to provide accurate tyre pressure recommendations based on specific vehicle loads to ensure the full benefits of running a premium tyre policy were being secured. “After 2.5 years of working together, we were delighted that Mitchell & Webber confirmed that they were extremely satisfied with the total cost of ownership achieved, and that we had delivered substantial savings on their operational costs with no detrimental impact on performance. This led to the signing of the contract extension, and an updated agreement to include our Pro Management system, which provides a holistic solution for fleet tyre management.” Prometeon’s Pro Management portal offers the customer flexible invoicing, centralised or by worksheet, instant live access to information on the customer’s fleet, and live spend information by status or period, with fixed pricing on tyres and tyre-related services working to a mutually agreed service level agreement. Leon Gilbert, Mitchell & Webber fleet compliance manager, said: “As our business has continued to grow, we recognised that we didn’t have a good picture of our tyre-related costs or a sufficiently robust system for managing our tyres across our depots and our vehicle fleet. “Following the trial and specification of Triathlon and G:01 tyres from Prometeon, we’ve been extremely pleased with the cost savings achieved and the improvements in tyre management that have been put in place. Tyre renewals are now managed in a proactive way, which increases vehicle uptime and reduces costs. For unplanned repairs, we now need to contact just one phone number and Prometeon arranges the required repair action. “The inclusion of the Pro Management system in the latest agreement signed with Prometeon will provide even greater visibility on our tyre-related costs, and our approach to better managing our tyres across our fleet, with one holistic system.”  


Celebrating industry diversity

In a historically male-dominated industry, we are delighted to be featuring some very successful women in the December issue of Fuel Oil News. We are equally pleased to report that gender diversity in this sector is on the rise. A recent review of FTSE 100 companies by Debut has found that oil and gas producers are ranked 2nd in the top five most diverse FTSE 100 sectors in the UK, just pipped to the post by the construction and materials sector. The review also found improvements in terms of gender diversity generally on the boards of the FTSE 100 companies, with women taking 36% of current board roles. Although this hits the diversity target recommended by the Government five years ago, it is still a way away from a 50/50 split, which is achieved by just nine of the 100 companies. Royal Dutch Shell is one of these nine companies and the oil and gas sector, as a whole, is close to the target, with 54% male board members and 46% female board members. New initiatives It was recently announced that OGUK has launched a first-of-its-kind survey that will deliver a baseline for diversity and inclusion (D&I) demographic and sentiment within the sector. Whilst this doesn’t only include gender, it is definitely a step in the right direction for a more diverse industry. OGUK chief executive, Deirdre Michie, said: “I am delighted to announce the launch of our industry-wide survey on diversity and inclusion. D&I is critical to our efforts in delivering Roadmap 2035 – by fostering a diverse and inclusive working culture, we will secure and retain new talent, bring new perspectives and ideas to the fore and, ultimately, expand supply chain opportunities whilst continuing to contribute to the UK’s vital security of energy supply.” Further to this, StocExpo, the world’s leading bulk liquid storage event has announced that the focal point for the 2021 event in Antwerp will be ‘Women in Tanks’ to highlight the women working in the tank storage sector. Rikki Bhachu, StocExpo senior marketing manager, says: “This new addition to StocExpo will be packed with the most inspiring women in the industry, where every story and experience, every new initiative and talk is relevant and every piece of advice another crack in the glass ceiling.” We look forward to seeing where these new initiatives lead, and to reporting further on diversity in the industry in Fuel Oil News in print and online. What is your opinion on, or experience of, diversity in the sector? Let us know your thoughts.  


Calls for clearer vision for HGVs after Government announces end to conventional engines

In response to the launch of the Government’s 10-point plan on reaching net zero, Alex Veitch, general manager for public policy at Logistics UK, comments: “Logistics businesses fully support the government’s aim to transition to a low-carbon economy, but the switch must be affordable for businesses. Logistics UK is urging government to ensure there are practical alternatives to petrol and diesel HGVs before a phase-out of these vehicles is considered.  In order for the commercial sector to be able to deliver, government should work with industry to develop a long-term pathway to decarbonisation, providing clarity on the technology and alternative fuels it supports so that manufacturers and operators can invest with confidence.” Smaller vehicles “In terms of smaller vehicles, while logistics businesses are committed to switching to electric vans, the government must introduce a fairer way of funding grid reinforcements and energy supply upgrades; currently, the onus lies on a business to fund upgrades to the entire local electricity hub if  there is insufficient energy supply in the existing infrastructure to power its electric vehicle fleet. Without a resilient energy and charging infrastructure the switch to electric vehicles will be a pipe dream for businesses. “It is good to see that some models of hybrids will be excluded from the earlier ban date as they offer a practical bridging technology for van operators working in areas where access to charging infrastructure or electric vehicle model availability is limited.”  


OFTEC urges support for renewable liquid fuels after PM outlines 10-point plan

Paul Rose, CEO of OFTEC, responds to the Government plan for ‘Green Industrial Revolution’: Decarbonising heat from UK homes is a national priority that must be urgently addressed. However, we are concerned about the high costs rural households are likely to face under current government proposals to achieve this. The Prime Minister’s plan announced today for a ‘Green Industrial Revolution’ suggests it’s likely that rural households will soon be prevented from replacing their existing oil boilers and will instead be forced to switch to expensive electric heat pumps – the government’s preferred low carbon solution for rural homes. Heat pumps are an excellent technology but they are expensive, costing on average £10,900 to install, and need to be fitted in well insulated homes to avoid high running costs and ensure comfort. However, oil heated homes are some of the least energy efficient in the UK, with almost two thirds (65%) in EPC bands E-G, equating to 765,000 properties². BEIS estimates that bringing EPC Band E homes heated by oil up to an acceptable Band C, would cost on average £12,300. For properties in EPC Bands F or G, the cost would be £18,900³. This means the total bill to decarbonise all 765,000 properties will be around £19.85 billion – equivalent to an average of almost £26,000 per home – and for some, the figure will be considerably higher. Given the current economic climate and the fact that disposable incomes in rural areas are already lower and fuel poverty levels deeper, rural households are unlikely to have the capacity to make this level of investment. It is also unlikely that government will be able to support such high costs through grants or other support mechanisms. Even those that can afford to act may face weeks without heating due to the length of time heat pump installations and the accompanying retrofit work can take to complete. Recently, 47 OFTEC member companies, including leading household names such as Worcester Bosch, Kingspan and Grant Engineering, wrote to Minister of State for BEIS, highlighting their readiness and commitment to introduce a far cheaper, more practical solution in the form of a renewable liquid fuel to replace heating oil. This option offers a near ‘drop-in’ solution for existing oil-heated homes, greatly reducing capital costs. It could also deliver rapid progress towards net zero if supported though appropriate policies, potentially saving rural households and government millions of pounds.  Yet to date, BEIS has shown no appetite to support this solution. At this critical time when BEIS is soon to publish its consultation to reduce carbon emissions from heat in buildings, we are urging all rural MPs and other interested members of the House to contact the Minister and press the urgent need to support renewable liquid fuels as a more affordable way forward for rural homes.  


Industry response to PM’s 10-point plan for green industrial revolution

Responses to the Governments 10-point plan for a green industrial revolution reflect the positive and collaborative nature of the industry. Here, we hear from OGUK’s Deirdre Michie and TSA’s Peter Davidson. Commenting on the 10-point green industrial revolution, announced by Prime Minister Boris Johnson, OGUK’s chief executive, Deirdre Michie said: “We are pleased to see the Government is committed to its ambitious plans for tackling emissions in spite of all the other challenges we face. Our industry is already in action, evolving and contributing. We were one of the first major sectors in the UK to embrace the Government’s target to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.


OGUK reveals 2020 finalists for annual awards following challenging year for industry

The shortlist for this year’s prestigious OGUK Awards has been revealed today. The annual awards ceremony celebrates the brightest and best talent from across the country’s offshore oil and gas industry and finalists represent the hard work, innovation, and collaboration the industry has adopted throughout 2020.


Petroineos announces future-proofing Grangemouth reconfiguration plan

Petroineos has announced its proposal to reconfigure the Grangemouth refinery to meet the current and future anticipated demand for its fuels products. The reconfiguration will impact on the 637 current full-time roles at Grangemouth but is anticipated to retain 450 highly skilled roles at the site. The global refining industry is facing huge challenges as increasing electrification of the transport fleet and more fuel-efficient vehicles leads to reduced demand for fuel, a trend that has been accelerated this year by the COVID-19 pandemic. To address this, Petroineos proposes a realignment of its refining capacity at Grangemouth in line with current and anticipated future demand for fuel in Scotland, the North of England and Northern Ireland. The proposal to keep the two production plants, Crude Distillation Unit 1 and the Fluidised Catalytic Cracker Unit (FCCU) in a mothballed state will reduce future incurred costs associated with operating these two older plants. With these changes, Petroineos believes it can have a viable longer-term business, employing up to 450 highly skilled jobs. Franck Demay, CEO Petroineos Refining, says; “As a national critical infrastructure it is vital we retain a productive capacity of fuels in Scotland. For almost a century the Grangemouth refinery has reliably produced high quality fuels for the domestic market and for export. We firmly believe that only by taking action now will we preserve one of Scotland’s last large manufacturing sites and a significant contributor to the Scottish economy.” Petroineos is entering into a statutory consultation period with its workforce and their representatives to discuss its proposals.  


Keeping standards high through challenging times

Mabanaft, one of the UK’s largest independent fuel importers and wholesalers, has just released the results of its 2020 customer survey. Martin Cook, managing director, says of this year’s survey results: “Despite the challenging circumstances of 2020, Mabanaft is delighted to have delivered a reliable supply of fuel and provided what our customers deem to be an excellent service throughout.” View highlights of the results here. Detailed analysis of the survey results will appear in the December Issue of FON.


Shell has terminated the supply of LPG at UK forecourts

Autogas UK, a joint venture between Shell and LPG supplier Calor, saw more than 250 Shell sites supplying Autogas in the UK, at its peak. More recently, the Autogas UK website has closed down, now directing anyone seeking alternative supply to the independent fillLPG website. A statement released by Autogas said; “Following a business review by the Autogas board, the difficult decision has been taken to end the joint venture and to decommission its LPG refuelling network. “Autogas is a joint venture between Shell and Calor and, although drivers of LPG vehicles will no longer be able to refuel at Autogas sites at Shell service stations, there remains a large network of LPG sites across the UK, with infrastructure available to support LPG drivers.” Calor will continue to supply LPG at more than 1,000 sites across the country, and according to fillLPG there is a total 1,907 stations still in operation throughout the UK and Ireland. An Autogas spokesman explained that there were a number of factors at play in the decision to exit the UK market; “Customer demand for LPG for domestic transportation has declined due to changing customer preferences and the increasing availability of other lower-carbon fuels. Many of our Autogas sites are therefore increasingly under-utilised, which is why the LPG offering is being phased out. “The current Autogas refuelling network was installed around 20 years ago and, as such, significant investment would be required to maintain the long-term safe and compliant operation of these facilities.” Shell, out of all the major oil companies, has been the one with the widest range of alternative fuel options, investing in pilots for hydrogen as well as expanding its electric charging service and providing Autogas. It is also working on GTL (gas to liquid).  


Success brings new appointments for specialist PPE manufacturer

ProGARM, the UK’s leading arc flash protection specialist, is celebrating a string of recent appointments made by the firm, following its recent business success. Protecting contractors in the petrochemical industry, the specialist PPE provider has welcomed four new recruits over recent months; Maciej Stachaczynski as an internal account manager, Lynn Palmer in customer services, Jemima Pridham as internal sales assistant and finally Celina Suehring as internal sales executive for the company’s German operation. The new recruits joined the company before and during the COVID-19 pandemic – a time of uncertainty for many businesses. However, having enjoyed significant growth, the company is investing in its business to ensure constant innovation, quality development and consistent availability of its products, which are already blazing a trail in the health and safety industry. Tony Arnett, managing director at ProGARM, said; “We’re thrilled to have been able to welcome new members to our team during the last few months, which have proven challenging for so many of us. Every one of the new team members has been a huge asset to the business throughout this time, and has helped us to maintain our growth. “Like most businesses, we’ve had to adapt our ways of working and consider our existing supply chain processes throughout the recent months. I’m truly impressed by the whole team for how they have all adapted during this time and contributed to the growth of the company.”  


Crown Oil completes acquisition of Star Oil

North West-based Crown Oil has strengthened its brand in the North West after acquiring an £18m-turnover oil supplier. The Greater Manchester company, part of the £420m-turnover Crown Oil family of companies, has completed the purchase of Stockport-based Star Oil for an undisclosed sum. This deal for the 20-year-old business will increase Bury-headquartered Crown Oil’s reach in the region and take staff numbers to more than 1,250. Star Oil, set up by Christian Hatherall and Michael Doyle, has seven tankers covering the North West and supplies fuel, oil and lubricants to industrial operations, farms and homes. Christian and Star’s 10 staff will remain with the business, while Michael will seek new opportunities elsewhere. The business will continue to trade as Star Oil for the time being. The deal is Crown Oil’s first purchase since 2018, when it added Birlem Oil, in London, and West Midlands-based Beesley Fuels to its portfolio. The business, established by the Greensmith family more than 70 years ago, had worked with Star Oil for some time when the opportunity arose. Matthew Greensmith, managing director of Crown Oil Group, said: “We’re excited to have announced this deal, which will see the Crown Oil family expanding once again. Star has been around for 20 years and, in that time, has built up a fantastic reputation for great service, which will fit in with Crown’s ideology of putting the customer first. “We’ve worked closely with Christian and Michael and we were keen to take up this opportunity to safeguard the future of Star and strengthen our North West footprint. We are looking forward to building on these successes together and we wish Michael all the best for the future.” Christian Hatherall, who will be senior operations manager of the business, said: “I am delighted to see the completion of this deal, which has come about from the solid relationship we have built with Crown over the years. I look forward to seeing the business flourish and grow. Being part of that growth journey and working for the Crown Oil Group brand is a very exciting prospect for me.”


Essar appoints Stein Ivar Bye as chief executive officer

The board of Essar Oil UK Ltd has announced the appointment of Stein Ivar Bye, former boss of Sweden’s largest fuel firm, as chief executive officer. Leaving behind his job as chief operating officer at Scandinavian crude oil giant Preem, Stein Ivar Bye will be based at Essar’s Stanlow Manufacturing Complex in Ellesmere Port, Cheshire. He brings with him over 28 years’ experience in the Oil and Energy sector, working internationally across Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia. Stein, who graduated from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and has an MBA in Business Strategy and Management from BI Norwegian Business School, previously spent 25 years with ExxonMobil and was latterly chief operating officer at Preem. An experienced executive leader in multicultural and international environments, Stein has an impressive track record in refinery operations, coupled with broad experience in supply and trading, strategy and planning and business development. Mr Bye is the second new CEO to take charge at Essar since the start of the year. In January, it was announced that ex-BP boss Mark Wilson had replaced Srinivasalu Thangapandian. Essar said on Monday that Mr Wilson left in June under a “mutual agreement” with the firm after less than six months in the role. Speaking about the latest appointment, Prashant Ruia, non-executive chairman, Essar Oil UK, said; “As an organisation, our sights are firmly set on transforming our UK business, ensuring its growth and long term sustainability as we transition towards a low carbon energy economy and deliver the energy solutions of the future for Britain. Stein will be pivotal in meeting this challenge and fulfilling this ambition.” Stein Ivar Bye added; “I am honoured to be selected as CEO for Essar Oil UK and excited to be part of Essar’s transformational journey. Society’s demand for efficient and sustainable energy solutions is an inspiring challenge and will require creativity and perseverance. With the collective competency and commitment of the Essar organisation, and strong stakeholder engagement, I am confident Essar Oil UK will be a part of the solution for the future.”  


Driver awareness increases demand for hand protection

New independent research, commissioned by GripHero, has revealed that 66% of drivers are aware that Covid-19 can be passed from driver-to-driver at the fuel pump, driving demand for hand protection. With 86% of drivers now actively looking for hand protection, forecourt owners are being advised that failing to provide suitable hand protection could impact business. Conducted in October 2020, the survey of 2,000 drivers throughout the UK showed that concerns over health and the potential transmission of Covid-19 at the fuel pump have led to a change in motorists’ forecourt preferences. 74% of motorists are now more likely to wear hand protection than before the pandemic began, with 85% saying that they would now travel further to a forecourt where hand protection is readily available, over a closer alternative without. That could have significant implications for forecourts that are unable to provide drivers with readily available hand protection and could lead to a loss of valuable income from retail outlets. Since the survey was last carried out in 2017, the largest change was the increased number of drivers that said that they would now always wear hand protection – if it were readily available – rising from 19% to 83% of all drivers. That sends a clear message to forecourt owners that hand protection is now a major factor influencing where drivers fill up. Oli Yeo, inventor and managing director of GripHero Ltd, commented on the findings, saying; “Throughout 2020, we’re pleased to have seen very significant growth in the numbers of networks around the world taking up our eco-friendly customer protection system. The feedback we have received from both operators and drivers correlates with the results of the survey – with many operators reporting an uptake in custom since providing convenient customer protection as well as an increase in the number of drivers protecting themselves. “However, with the high dispensing efficiency GripHero brings, the plastic waste and consumption figures actually drop considerably. Operators report a dramatic reduction to their plastic and carbon footprints, whilst protecting more customers.” “We must also remember that often with typical motorist behaviour, they fail to clean their hands before picking up the fuel-pump, which means that there’s a very real possibility that any illness could be passed on to the next users of that pump,” added Oli Yeo. “That’s why GripHero was invented – to protect drivers from foul-smelling, fuel-impregnated hands, and to stop the avoidable contraction of illness, which has become particularly pertinent following the outbreak of Covid-19.” A win-win situation Through the development of ATEX certified anti-static materials, GripHero’s hand protection systems are permitted within the refuelling zone – creating the world’s only solution that allows drivers to enjoy the convenience of hand protection exactly where they need it – right in front of them, on the fuel pump handle that they are about to hold, directly at the point of use. Moreover, as each dispenser releases just one item of hand protection at a time, it prevents clumps of hand protection being taken accidentally or deliberately. So, there should never be a shortage of hand protection at forecourts installing GripHero. That means drivers can refuel and grab a snack safe in the knowledge that their hands won’t have touched a surface handled by hundreds of other drivers, who could be carriers of Covid-19. That’s a win-win scenario for all concerned – forecourt owner and driver.  


Oikos’ hosts Ramanda vessel powered by LNG

The first ship powered solely by liquified natural as (LNG) is to unload at the iconic Oikos jetties on the River Thames. The ship, Ramanda, from the Gothia Tanker Alliance series of vessels based in Sweden, offers significant environmental benefits and lower costs, with LNG use significantly reducing Carbon Dioxide emissions, Sulpur Dioxide output by close to 100% and Nitrogen Oxide particulates by 85%. Tony Woodward, general manager of Oikos Storage Ltd., said; “It is imperative that the whole fuel supply chain plays its part in tackling climate change. By hosting multi-fuel greener vessels and developing the port and storage infrastructure for the next generation of fuels, we are proud to be playing our small part in the decarbonisation of the fuel sector and the country’s critical national infrastructure.”


Zero tolerance towards hose re-ending    

Nigel Thomason, British Fluid Power Association Distributor chairman, condemns hose re-ending in the power generation sector as the UK’s fluid power trade association launches its ‘Choose Q for Quality’ campaign highlighting BFPA Approved Quality members.


Hoyer contingency plans will minimise strike action disruption

Hoyer says ‘detailed contingency plans’ will be put in place to ‘ensure any action has a negligible impact on our operations’, adding that it remains committed to engaging with the union to find ways to ‘mitigate the redundancies’. The Hoyer Petrolog UK employees based at the Stanlow oil refinery, in Ellesmere Port, will be taking action in response to plans to make six of the 20+ drivers redundant. The 24-hour strikes will take place on November 2nd, 4th, 6th, 9th, 10th, 12th, 13th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 20th, 23rd, 25th and 27th. Unite regional officer Steve Gerrard said; “Unite’s members have delivered a stunning mandate in favour of industrial action. “Despite Unite giving Hoyer every opportunity to resolve this dispute through negotiations, it has refused to do so and as a consequence and as a last resort Unite has announced strike dates. “Our members regret that their action will cause considerable disruption to fuel deliveries but believe they have no other option in order to save their jobs. “Fuel tanker drivers are frontline workers and throughout this pandemic their work has ensured that other frontline workers can continue to go to work. They deserve to be treated better than this. “The ball is now firmly in Hoyer’s court. It can still avoid strike action occurring by withdrawing the threat of job cuts.” A Hoyer spokesman said; “We can confirm that we have received notification of industrial action at our parking location in Cheshire which will result in a small number of our fuel tankers not operating on the nominated days. “However, we will be implementing detailed contingency plans to ensure any action has a negligible impact on our operations. “We remain committed to engaging with the union representatives regarding any meaningful and realistic proposals that can be put forward in order to mitigate the redundancies. “However, the challenge remains that these jobs rely directly on people returning to driving their cars and flying in planes at ‘normal’ levels – things which are simply beyond our control.”  


EG Group announced as frontrunners to take over Asda

The brothers behind the international fuel and convenience empire, Euro Garages Group (EG Group), Mohsin and Zuber Issa, have been selected by Walmart as the prime candidates to acquire Asda. The possibility of expanding the supermarket business in their petrol station network is a key part of the operation that has put the Issa brothers and TDR, the London-based private equity backer of EG Group, in pole position. Previously, it was private equity firm Apollo Global Management that was reported to be the leading option, but Asda announced in September that it would be trialling a new convenience store concept at EG Group stations. Since its formation in 2016, EG Group has built an empire with acquisition after acquisition, now employing 50,000 people across almost 6,000 sites in the UK, Australia, Europe and the U.S. With the support of TDR Capital, the Issa brothers are known for their innovative ideas, smart strategic approach and ambition. In the last three years, EG Group has acquired thousands of stations and convenience stores from Esso in Italy and Germany, Kroger, Certified Oil, Travel Centers of America, Woolworths in Australia and Cumberland Farms in the U.S, a far cry from the single garage in Bury that the brothers bought for £150,000 in 2001. The £6.5 billion acquisition of Asda would mean a huge challenge for the brothers from Blackburn, as they enter the supermarket industry. Acquiring the British supermarket business will mean the 600 stores in the UK will return to British hands for the first time in over 20 years.