search | retrofitting


Response to Ireland’s Climate Action Plan

...The high costs of the ‘deep retrofitting’ processes which are usually required to allow a heat pump to be installed – the average cost of a deep retrofitting was €56,000...


UKIFDA encourages homeowners to start biofuel transition

...All of these improvements will increase energy efficiency, create carbon efficiency and reduce bills. Carbon reduction without retrofitting “The continued focus on electrification of heat using heat pumps for those...


UKIFDA challenges Irish government on biofuels

...‘Programme For Government – Our Shared Future’ with no specifics on numbers behind all the objectives. They say they are developing a new area-based and one-stop-shop approach to retrofitting, to...

More search | retrofitting


Kevin McPartlan of Fuels for Ireland

...buildings.” “Furthermore, with the housing crisis in Ireland and the shortage of tradespeople, we simply don’t have the workforce to deliver the deep-retrofitting targets the Government has set. We’re only...


UKIFDA submits views on Scottish Commission’s work plan “The cost of retrofitting homes to make them suitable for heat pumps or biomass technology is often high,” explains Guy. “Many homeowners would be better off making step changes...

Further Reading

Industry responds to government hydrogen plans


Hydrogen (H2.0): a new dawn? delivery and distribution of hydrogen. H2’s low energy density is also one of the greatest barriers to the implementation of hydrogen-fuelled fuel cell vehicles. Retrofitting existing natural gas pipelines...


Oil Terminal 2015 – new multi-billion USD projects

...and retrofitting of its existing oil tanks infrastructure in Adler Ratio Group – Ellen Ruhotas, managing director – how to manage terminals to attract new business and make facilities more...


The future pathway for liquid fuel heating

...highlights the practical difficulties and prohibitive cost of retrofitting these technologies. “More cost-effective options must be found and this means a crucial role for low carbon liquid fuels going forward....
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