search | reconfiguration


Strategic supply from Britain’s largest refinery Subsequent additions took the total up to 330,000bpd (6m mt/year).  In 2012 Esso undertook a reconfiguration of the plant, closing one of its three crude distillation units, resulting in...


Essar Oil UK – ‘a significantly better year’

...$7.80/bbl, a 91% increase to the $4.08/bbl reported in FY14, primarily due to refinery reconfiguration and improved benchmark margins. Stanlow has outperformed the Northwest European FCC Cracking margin off Dated...


Coryton assets to be sold to joint venture be an import terminal, after significant reconfiguration of the existing site.   The  administrators are presently overseeing the removal of all crude oil and refined products from the site and...

More search | reconfiguration


Stanlow’s strong performance

...a 20% increase to the $8.4/bbl reported in FY15, primarily due to refinery reconfiguration and improved benchmark margins. Product availability to customers was again 100%.  This continued the excellent performance...


Robust financial performance

...will yield an incremental margin of US $75 million to US $80 million annually in the prevailing market. Essar’s optimised reconfiguration to a single train site, material diversification of the...