
Biofuels for heat, transport and electricity

The recently published UK Renewable Energy Roadmap Update states that biofuels for heat, transport and electricity must offer genuine carbon savings and be cost effective in meeting climate change objectives.
Following changes in 2011, incentives only reward biofuels which meet specific criteria, while double incentives are now available for biofuels derived from waste material and advance processes.
The government is also proposing to expand the energy from waste criteria to include commercial and industrial waste, and to implement minimum air quality criteria as a condition of Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) support.
The update, which also includes plans to extend the non-domestic RHI to cover air source heat pumps and biomass, can be found at
The Northern Ireland Executive’s target of 12% electricity consumption from renewable sources by 2012 was exceeded during the year, while in Scotland an update on plans in October included a new interim target to meet the equivalent of 50% of Scottish electricity demand from renewables by 2015.
The government’s domestic RHI scheme is due to open to applicants in the summer.