
Dangerous goods transportation – changes

Suckling Transport at June race day
Mick (second from left), joins colleagues at Suckling’s Race Day in June
Mick Smith, transport manager, Suckling Transport reports from the Freight Transport Association’s recent dangerous goods seminar.
ADR photo cards
Fraser Talbot from the Scottish Qualification Authority (SQA) explained pending changes to ADR certificates. Certificates will now be issued by the SQA on behalf of the Department for Transport instead of the DVLA. Although the format will change from paper to a photo card, the good news is that there will be no additional cost. Drivers will simply have to produce a passport-style photo when attending a refresher course. It is expected that this will take place in October.
Fire extinguisher failures
Terry Laker of the Health and Safety Executive spoke about the carriage of dangerous goods and road enforcement. He was particularly concerned that historically, hauliers are continuing to make the same mistakes and highlighted the high percentage of fire extinguisher failures.
Changes to OCRS
The Vehicle and Operator Services Agency’s (VOSA) Matt Barker was on hand to talk about recent changes to the Operator Compliance Risk Score (OCRS) system. Key changes include:-
Targeting priorities
OCRS bands
Timescales of point allocation for prosecution
Removal of predictive scoring
Weighting factor according to age of event
Larger data sets calculated more frequently
Straight-to-red for prosecutions and most serious infringement
New events included
Matt explained that the changes have been designed to help examiners to target non-compliant hauliers.