This month, Fuel Oil News speaks with Ryan Creaser, Technical Sales and Service Engineer at Cobo Tankers and Services, to discover how Ryan spends a typical day.
THE FIRST THING I DO IS… wish the wife good morning, make our morning coffee, feed our cat Belle, and then I’m ready to rock and roll!
I PREPARE FOR THE DAY AHEAD BY… a quick check of my emails. I then prioritise tasks for the day and form agenda points to discuss with colleagues if needed.
I CAN’T LEAVE THE HOUSE WITHOUT… preparing my Cobo backpack consisting of my laptop, Ipad, phone and note pad. And my car keys of course!
MY TYPICAL DAY… communication is imperative for businesses these days so there are emails and phone calls a plenty in my day!
Everyday my objectives are prepared with the customer in mind as we endeavour to meet our customers’ requests/needs.
Occasionally, we hit a curve ball (as we call it!) and must react to the unplanned which could be anything from a warranty call or an urgent parts request to the courier depot for next day delivery.
Communication is key with my role!
MY MOST MEMORABLE WORK MOMENT… I have two really memorable moments. One would be selling my first truck; the feeling was amazing (Joby told me it would be!) and the other would be my son, Louie, joining the industry as an apprentice engineer.
THE WORST PART OF MY JOB… the commute to and from Leeds on the M62 never gets any easier. Not many people I know enjoy motorway driving these days and sometimes the weather can be challenging when working outside.
THE BEST PART OF MY JOB… building customer relationships and trust is paramount – getting our customers the quality they deserve and delivering on time is our aim.
Supporting our ever-growing customer base, whether it’s quoting for new kit, sealing the deal on a sale or dealing with technical queries. Bringing new ideas and products to the forefront gives me a buzz. I’ve always loved innovation and technology.
Every day is different in the fuel oil industry, which can make it challenging. Priorities can change at any given moment; however, I thrive off a challenge and think quickly on my feet.
I am lucky to work for a fantastic company in a small team, led by our MD Lupo who is always a step in front of us (working from our head office in Santander). I also work alongside a great mentor in Joby and, of course, not forgetting the jedi knight of ADR applications, Reise, who is always there when I need him.
I RELAX AFTER WORK BY… a quick work out, shower, and a bottle of beer and watching the current Netflix series available.
MY FAVOURITE MEAL IS… the evening meal is my favourite of the day. I work for a Spanish company, and we love to entertain. Enjoying a giant steak washed down with a good bottle of red in sunny Santander always goes down well. Working away from home has its perks!
ON MY BEDSIDE TABLE IS… phone charger, deodorant, aftershave, and moisturiser.
THE LAST THING I DO EACH DAY IS… I make sure the doors are locked and switch all the lights off after the kids have been around. Then wish my wife good night – with a little kiss of course.
I’M NORMALLY IN BED BY… this is always dictated by the Netflix series we are watching and whether we can wait to watch the next episode or not!