This month, Fuel Oil News speaks with Anthony Williams, operations manager at Certas Energy, and one of the team responsible for winning the UKIFDA depot of the year award 2024, to discover how Anthony spends a typical day.
Certas Energy’s ‘Three Cocks Depot’ was recognised for its commitment to driving the standard of distributor depot safety forward.
THE FIRST THING I DO IS… Have a wash and get ready for the day.
I PREPARE FOR THE DAY AHEAD BY… Trying to remember what needs to be done.
MY TYPICAL DAY – A usual day for me starts at the depot; I will make a cuppa before sorting any paperwork from the previous day, while dealing with any phone calls that come in.
Every day is different, and I enjoy the variety. There are often lots of phone calls which vary from driver issues, truck issues or depot issues.
I am responsible for managing two depot sites; The Three Cocks and Cinderford. My week is spent between these two locations.
In total I manage nine drivers across the two depots. Most of my day is spent working with the drivers, but there are plenty of other people coming in and out of the depots too that I need to meet with.
MY MOST MEMORABLE WORK MOMENT…winning The UKIFDA 2024 Depot of the Year Award. Everybody at the depot worked hard to achieve this award.
THE WORST PART OF MY JOB… when nothing goes to plan.
THE BEST PART OF MY JOB… when everything runs smoothly!
I RELAX AFTER WORK BY… spending time with family and playing bowls.
MY FAVOURITE MEAL IS… there are far too many to choose from!
THE LAST THING I DO EACH DAY IS… watch some TV to unwind.
Image credit: Anthony Williams, Certas Energy