Extremely grateful for the opportunity to better understand supplier challenges, Steph Robertshaw, Supply Operations Manager for BoilerJuice, shared the teams appreciation:
“The team thoroughly enjoyed the hospitality of the Bedford Fuels drivers,” Steph commented. “A special thank you to Paul, Martyn and Anthony for affording us the opportunity to build upon the team’s existing knowledge and enable them to better understand and resolve supplier queries.”
BoilerJuice’s Supplier Relationship Manager for Bedford Fuels, Cayle Price-Murphy commented: “As part of our business focus on delivering best service to customers and suppliers, we continuously develop our teams’ skills. This was an ideal opportunity to do so.”
BoilerJuice team members shared their days
Vicky: What a brilliant day! I was with the fabulous Aaron, and we went out in ‘Rico’ his orange 4-wheeler. I learnt so much and gained first hand insight on what it’s like to be a driver. I even met a BoilerJuice customer and had a chat about adding delivery instructions and W3W to future orders as his tank was very hidden and the property not signposted.
Neil: I had a really good day, Sim was friendly and professional. We encountered all manner of obstacles, including a Rottweiler (who was, thankfully, very friendly), chickens, a moat, nettles and one tank that had a million and one plant pots stacked around it. Great day, but thank goodness I don’t have to start work at that time of day normally!
Eilish: What a really great day! It was interesting to witness lots of different drops; we even played a little game of ‘first one to find the tank wins’, as there were a lot of big gardens and no clear delivery instructions. Mark is an amazing driver, very knowledgeable too, he really goes above and beyond. It was a really great day – thank you Bedford Fuels!
Emma: I had an absolute blast and made a really good friend. Honestly, such a good day, I’m so thankful for the experience.
Jan: I had the best day ever! Thankfully, no failed deliveries and no unsafes. How bouncy are these 4-wheelers?! Colin is such an asset to Bedford fuels – I learnt so much from him, and we sang our way to each drop.
Adam: It was interesting to see the endless scenarios a driver can encounter, with both new and well-known drops. It makes you appreciate the challenges they face each day.
Sophie: It was good to experience deliveries and to see how issues can arise.