Please give your career history in 25 words or fewer
Lisa – I worked in the financial services industry for years and then moved into fuel distribution.
Andy – Started off as a chef/baker, a milkman, then passed my class 1, worked at a local quarry, then moved to livestock, then into fuel with Silvey Fuels, Oamps, and now Sodbury.
Describe yourself in 3 words
Lisa – Andy described Lisa as hardworking, a fighter and kind.
Andy – A grumpy bugger!
What were your childhood / early ambitions?
Lisa – I wanted to be a weather girl.
Andy – A milkman.
Describe your dream job (if you weren’t doing this?)
Lisa – I would love to own a craft shop – a bit like Hobby Craft!
Andy – An astronaut.
What’s the best business advice you’ve ever received?
Lisa – We haven’t had lots of business advice; we just get on and get it done!
Andy – Work hard and manage/focus on what you’ve got.
Share your top tips for business success
Lisa – You need to work hard, put in long hours, and give blood, sweat and tears!
Andy – Turn up and get the job done. If you don’t, it doesn’t happen. That – and always answer the phone!
What’s your most recent business achievement of note?
Lisa – We’ve had a new truck this year and got another one on order.
Andy – The business is growing. It isn’t easy but we’re doing well. We put the effort in, and we care a lot.
Tell us your greatest fear
Lisa – Dying.
Andy – I’m not a fan of snakes!
Which is most important – ambition or talent?
Lisa – Ambition.
Andy – Ambition.
What’s the best thing about your job?
Lisa – Feeling happy being able to help people and getting paid – LOL!
Andy – Helping people and being there for people when they need us.
Which is the quality that you most admire?
Lisa – I really admire people that are honest and caring.
Andy – Trustworthy.
What are you most likely to say?
Andy – “For F*** Sake – not again!”
What are you least likely to say?
Lisa – “Do you want a cup of tea?” I don’t make hot drinks. I’ve never drunk a cup of coffee!
Describe your perfect day
Lisa – In the pub with friends, I think!
Andy – A day trip to Bristol, a walk around the harbour, then going out for Sunday lunch and having a few beers.
Do you have a favourite sports team?
Lisa – No.
Andy – Not really, but I do quite like watching the rugby when I get the time.
What’s the biggest challenge of our time?
Lisa – General life is a big challenge!
Andy – Cost of living. It’s having such an impact on everyone.
Cheese or chocolate?
Lisa – Cheese.
Andy – Chocolate – Maltesers are my favourite!
Share your greatest personal achievement
Lisa – Having my son and the fact he has chosen to come into the business with us.
Andy – My three fantastic sons, my marriage to Lisa, and Sodbury Fuels!
What’s your pet hate or biggest irritant?
Lisa – Andy’s snoring!
Andy – Lisa having the telly on too loud when I’m trying to sleep upstairs!
If you were elected to government what would be the first law you’d press for?
Lisa – Do things to help people that are hard working.
Andy – Do more to help people in need.
If your 20-year-old self saw you now what would they think?
Lisa – You should have stuck to being a mortgage advisor! I work so many hours in fuel distribution.
Andy – Why don’t you emigrate to Australia!?
What is number 1 on your bucket list?
Lisa – Win the lottery.
Andy – Be mortgage free.
What 3 things would you take to a desert island?
Lisa – My insulin and my phone.
Andy – Lisa, a BBQ, and some Carling!
Tell us something about you that people would be very surprised by
Lisa – I’m type 1 diabetic.
Who would you most like to ask these questions of?
Lisa – Robbie Williams
Andy – Davina McCall
What’s your best Christmas joke?
Lisa – “Who is never hungry at Christmas? The turkey – he’s always stuffed!”
Andy – “What do you get if you cross Santa with a duck? A Christmas quacker!”