
Logistics UK disappointed by the NIC’s recent announcement

Responding to the NIC’s National Infrastructure Assessment announcement, Logistics UK’s chief executive David Wells OBE, expressed the sector’s disappointment at the lack of consideration given to the needs of logistics businesses:

Logistics UK disappointed by the NIC’s National Infrastructure Assessment announcement

“If our industry is to continue to deliver for the UK’s economy, we need confirmation of how this is to happen and fast – our members are the backbone of all activity for both businesses and consumers and need concrete plans now which they can implement in order to progress.

“As an industry, we are committed to decarbonising, but the infrastructure to support this change still does not exist. 2050 is still some way off, but our city centres cannot be revitalised without the delivery networks that our members provide to make them work.

“The NIC’s call for a long-term infrastructure strategy free from political considerations, is a positive step to address productivity and capacity issues. If the plan is to facilitate genuine change and revitalise the UK’s economy, it is vital that spending on infrastructure is considered as a down payment on future growth, not an easy target for cuts, by this and future governments.”