‘It is imperative…that changes are introduced carefully in a way that does not create unintended consequences for retailers and consumers’
“Low-carbon liquid fuels, including E10 and advanced biofuels, are critical in our efforts to reduce carbon emissions from road transport in a way that can be introduced relatively easily to the forecourt. Reducing the carbon intensity of fuels, distributed directly to the consumer via existing downstream infrastructure, offers a flexible and accessible alternative to other transport technologies.
“It is imperative, however, that these changes are introduced carefully in a way that does not create unintended consequences for retailers and consumers. In particular, the government must ensure that the introduction of E10 infrastructure at filling stations remains a commercial matter for site operators, and that suitable provision is made for remote and rural communities, in order to ensure that consumer supply and resilience is maintained.
“UKPIA looks forward to responding to the consultation on behalf of its members and continuing our constructive engagement with DfT and other stakeholders in the months ahead.”