- A cylindrical shape with lower ride height (3.9m) which incorporates a “D” section compartment one with a compartment capacity of 11,000 litres. No roll-over protection is necessary due to the tank’s countersunk man-lids
- Compartment one run-off pipe mounted internally so protected from the tanker unit during articulation
- A fully enclosed API cabinet, including drip trays, allowing for a cleaner working area
- Fully enclosed hose tubes mounted on the n/s and o/s of the chassis, as well as hose tubes underneath the chassis (accessed from the cabinet)
- Shorter hoses to allow for easier manual handling and a tidier work environment
- Newly designed Emco Wheaton PGI tumblers with integrated foot valve control buttons
Interested to see how the UK market reacts to this new tanker is Lutz Goesslinghoff, CEO of Schrader who said:
“HOYER is one of our biggest partners. Safety, good ergonomics and efficiency were our key drivers for the new concept. By combining HOYER’s deep knowledge and field experience together with our manufacturing competence we worked together to develop an optimal concept for the UK market.”