
Keeping tankers moving

Autosock 1
An Autosock helped this tanker out of a difficult wintry situation
To help keep vehicles on the road in bad weather, the Freight Transport Association (FTA) offers assistance.
Now operating 24/7, FTA’s own traffic service provides amber and red weather alerts. Advice for managers and drivers dealing with poor weather conditions can be found at
Keep vehicles and drivers on the move with informative driver cards and posters about driving in severe weather conditions.   Essential in-cab winter kits containing shovels, torches, high visibility vests, an emergency foil blanket and winter windscreen kit are also available.
Shopfta also stocks a wide range of essential winter items such as Autosocks for trucks, rock salt depot kits and supplies of de-icing salt, to keep depots and distribution centres clear of snow.
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