- Delivery is initiated and controlled by the litre counter and control unit, which receives signals from a pulser unit connected to the meter
- After compartment selection, product is pumped via the manifold with contamination prevented by pneumatic interlocking
- Bulk or hose reel delivery is selected and controlled by a pneumatic three-way valve
- The compact gas extractor and two optical probes prevent air passing through the meter
- A ticket printer linked to the litre counter is fitted in the driver’s cab
- Pre-made, ADR compliant wiring looms are supplied with the system
- MID (Measuring Instruments Directive) approved and pre-assembled for simple installation
The Crown goes to Emco Wheaton
With eight new tankers being added to Crown’s fleet over the coming months, Emco’s electronic pump metering will soon be at the heart of many of its deliveries.
Glynn Mitchell (pictured here), who joined Crown from Samuel Cooke last year, is one of the lucky drivers to have been given one of the brand new DAF CF tankers. “In my time as a tanker driver, this is definitely the easiest system I’ve ever used. Its speed, coupled with ease of use, makes my job very efficient.”
Also impressed with the equipment’s simplicity and quality is Crown Oil fleet engineer, David Goodall, who has been with the company for 10 years. “Implementation has been so easy. The driver of our first new truck took to it straight away without the need for any further training.
“Plus the back-up given by Emco Wheaton’s sales and service team has been excellent. Based on this experience, we decided to fit further trucks with Data Plus 2.”
Asked about what he looks for when sourcing a new tanker, David said: “Price is the main criteria, along with proximity. Located in Lancashire, Crown’s only an hour away from south Yorkshire. We’ve used both RTN and Tasca for 10 years, and both are always asked to quote for each new tanker we source.
“We’ve standardised our fleet so that trucks are identical. They all work in exactly the same way which really helps drivers who use a variety of vehicles.
“We started using Emco products awhile ago and were blown away by a system that’s methodical and essentially both driver and mechanic friendly. It’s a fabulous system that guides drivers through the whole process, especially useful for drivers working from remote depots.
Jonathan Wiltshire, Emco Wheaton’s territory sales manager, added: “We were very pleased to hear that Crown’s drivers have found the simplicity of the Data Plus 2’s litre counter to be such a huge benefit. The equipment is extremely intuitive; it guides each decision the driver has to make, facilitating faster and more efficient deliveries.”
The benefits of Data Plus 2
The system comprises a lightweight aluminium pneumatically actuated manifold assembly with gas extractor, an electronic litre counter/control unit, meter, pump, printer and product transfer system.