search | skill-shortage


New Abbey training delivers Class 1 drivers

...the training with ease and really enjoyed my time on the course and learning new skills from Abbey’s Driver Training Team. “Six weeks on, I now have my own Volvo,...


New report highlights Scotland’s strengths in clean hydrogen

...near heavy industrial locations and co-located with industrial hydrogen and oxygen off-takers, civils infrastructure, skilled workforce and local support. Many sites across Scotland have the potential to harness and develop...


The changing face of the fuel depot

...combination of skills is far more important than being biased towards a particular skillset. Salespeople who have no consideration for operations create challenges for a business, as do operations people...


Oil and gas apprenticeship scheme open for applications

...OPITO, the global safety and skills organisation for the energy industry, and the Engineering Construction Industry Training Board (ECITB), on behalf of industry operators and major contractors, was launched in...


Fuel and food continue to deliver for NWF

...Over delivering on fuels The fuel division delivered a strong performance, which was ahead of expectations and the previous year. The increased demand related to the Autumn fuel shortages impacted...