search | certas-energy


Plans approved for IOW depot

Despite objections, Certas Energy’s plans for a new £1.5 million fuel depot on the Isle of Wight have been given the go ahead, with Certas promising to be on the...
Claire Foster, Mabanaft


Fuel industry people moves September 2024 Director of Operations with Christopher Smith taking over the role of Operations Manager. Certas Energy Scott Sharples has been appointed Operations Manager for Certas Energy.  NWF Fuels Jon Cox...
Welcome to February’s edition of our special monthly feature which gives you the opportunity to ‘meet’ an industry figure and, hopefully, to discover another side to them beyond the well-known facts.


In Profile – Alex Wolfe of Certas Energy UK

...facts. This month we chat with Alex Wolfe the commercial director for roadside services at Certas Energy UK. “IF YOU WEREN’T PAID, WHY WOULD YOU COME TO WORK?” ALEX WOLFE...


In Profile with Steve Little of Certas Energy UK with Steve Little, who was appointed to the role of managing director for Certas Energy UK in July this year. “GET THE RIGHT ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE AND FILL IT WITH...


A Day in the Life… Hannah Ward

...relations advisor at Certas Energy and winner of the UKIFDA Young Person of the Year Award, to discover how she spends a typical day. MY ALARM GOES OFF AT… 7.00am...


Certas’ Isle of Wight depot recommended for approval

Certas Energy’s new fuel depot on the Isle of Wight has been recommended for approval by the planning authority. CECAMM on the Island Technology Park site Potentially joining CECAMM on...


People moves within the fuel distribution industry

DCC Energy DCC Energy has announced the appointment of Dr. Fabian Ziegler as Chief Executive Officer with Fabian set to commence the role on 1 November 2022. A spokesperson for...


Future energy – a vital topic

...right.  China accounts for 20% of global energy demand; global energy consumption has risen by 6% as a result of its CO2 intensive industries. Is it sustainable for  global energy...


Relaunch of Seletar’s Great Yarmouth site February 2012. Ross Buckland, head of lubricants at Certas Energy, said: “The investment in the site is testament to our commitment to maintaining a long-term presence at our Great...


Ensuring the new government hears FPS members

...Certas Energy’s customer sales and development manager, was appointed as the 31st Federation of Petroleum Supplier (FPS) president. Formerly FPS vice president and regional representative for the West Midlands, Duncan...


Announcing the winner of the MABAMAYHEM competition

Mabanaft’s James Alden presents top scoring Ian Gibson of Certas Energy with his GoPro HERO5 action camera at FPS Expo 2018 Mabanaft is delighted to announce that Ian Gibson of...


Oscar winner shares tips with apprentices

“It’s great that the team got to meet Gareth,” said Certas Energy’s regional manager Alex Ward. “His career demonstrates that through hard work and persistence anything is possible in your...


Gulf announces partnership with Silverstone Circuits

Lee Thomas, procurement and contracts manager, Silverstone Circuits with Craig Nugent, head of dealer sales, Certas Energy Gulf Retail has become the fuel partner to Silverstone Circuits providing the motor...