search | safety-leadership-charter


HOYER Group makes major investment to modernise its fleet

...invested around 42.7 million Euro, to transport mineral oil, chemical products and gases. The trucks have innovative technologies that more than fulfil the legal requirements relating to safety and offer...


“Are your drivers ready for Driver CPC?”

...the combined theoretical/practical training providing a thorough and comprehensive training plan. “Certas Energy has a very effective safety first programme backed by the board, the main aim of this is...


Energy Institute – FREE e-learning course

...Health & Safety Executive. The course is interactive, and each module takes around 30 minutes to complete, saving progress, and enabling users to return to the course at a later...


Billion litre contract goes to Wincanton

...east England. The announcement, which comes off the back of an excellent safety record, including an Energy Institute Award for Safety, is significant as it will take the two companies’...


Brake’s Giant Walk

National road safety charity Brake is calling on drivers to slow down and watch out for children on foot or bike. The event takes place on Wednesday 10th June, and...


The WP Group drives up standards

For its commitment to achieving excellence in health and safety, the WP Group has once again been awarded accreditation from Safecontractor. “To achieve this accreditation for yet another year demonstrates...


New petroleum safety course

...existing safety passport schemes such as Client Contractor National Safety Group (CCNSG). The first train the trainer event is being held on 3rd October. To book a place email


Remembering Piper Alpha – three decades on

...6th June. Lord Cullen who chaired the public enquiry into Piper Alpha will address the conference and discuss the need to continue to heed safety lessons and other insights.


Essar strengthens leadership team with senior appointment

Essar Oil UK is pleased to announce the further strengthening of its executive leadership team with the appointment of Mark Pennifold as chief people officer. Mark Pennifold, chief people officer,...
An impressive new next generation tanker comes close to taking the title of TOTY 2022


TOTY 2022 Runner Up: Craggs – a next generation tanker

...and equipped with advanced safety features such as anti-roll and anti-slip technology to protect the driver and prevent accidents on the road. In addition to its impressive capacity and safety...


‘Exciting opportunity’ for Gulf Aviation

Gulf Aviation – now fueling a private charter service from Leeds East Airport Gulf Aviation has been selected to supply fuel to the recently rebranded Leeds East Airport, near Tadcaster,...


FPS – pricing and delivery guidelines

The Federation of Petroleum Suppliers (FPS) has produced a Code of Practice and Customer Charter in a bid to raise standards within the oil distribution industry. Since the 2011 Office...