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A “changing of the guard” in the UK fuel marking regime


A “changing of the guard” in the UK fuel marking regime

...of fuelDyeguard® GOMC 0519: 1L of Marker Dye Concentrate in 5,000L of fuel Kerosene Marker Concentrates: Dyeguard® KMC1005: 1L of Marker Dye Concentrate in 10,000L of fuelDyeguard® KMC3015: 1L of...


Kerosene – supply and quality

...Distributor Debate earlier this year. Julia, a chemist with 19 years experience in fuel and fuel additives, understands fuel. In her capacity as technical business development manager at Fuel Additive...


Kevin McPartlan of Fuels for Ireland

...“It is important to recognise that the future fuels may not even be the fuels that we have or know right now but may be a zero-carbon fuel that may...


UKPIA welcomes FuelsEurope climate neutrality pathway

A FuelsEurope pathway describing how low-carbon liquid fuels could enable the transport sector to contribute to EU’s climate neutrality objective by 2050, has been welcomed by UKPIA. The ‘Clean Fuels...


The changing face of the fuel depot

...of our industry and, today, most fuel distributors are large companies with multi-site operations. The increased legislation affecting fuel depots could have partly fuelled this change. “In a world with...


Crossing the finishing line

...Fuel Services under Dave Whiskerd and Mike Grayton managed the contract to supply over 25 million litres of fuel and associated products from the site, operating and manning the fuel...


Airport Energy – making every single litre count

...the industry and in limited supply.” The company now provides 95% of Heathrow’s airside fuel.  Additionally, it manages fuel supply and fuel facilities at Stansted and Edinburgh with fuel also...
How a new fuel marker has been developed to solve the problem of increased fuel theft due to the red diesel rebate reform.


A product making a marked impact on fuel theft

The reform of the red diesel rebate meant that it became impossible to differentiate visually between the fuel stored on construction sites, or in many fuel depots, and that used...