search | clean-heat-grant


Kevin McPartlan of Fuels for Ireland

...and fit a heat pump with a grant only delivering a third of this. There is also skill shortage in tradespeople making it impossible to retrofit the number of homes...


Industry responds to CCC Sixth Carbon Budget

...include liquid biofuels in policy for off the gas grid homes. Hydrogen is an option as an alternative to gas heating as well as heat pumps and rural consumers should...


Reality check needed off-grid

...for a heat pump installation. The Government’s Clean Growth Strategy has been widely criticised for its suggestion that oil boilers are to be phased out, with many claiming that renewable...


UKIFDA challenges Irish government on biofuels

...(used for home heating and hot water) accepts the urgent need to decarbonise heating. Liquid fuel, more specifically a bio product, can be part of the solution to achieve net...


UKIFDA encourages homeowners to start biofuel transition

...All of these improvements will increase energy efficiency, create carbon efficiency and reduce bills. Carbon reduction without retrofitting “The continued focus on electrification of heat using heat pumps for those...


Red diesel update: Navigating the evolving fuel landscape

...alternatives to diesel for commercial heating applications, there are a number of cost-effective solutions on the market.  Industrial heating oil/Therma35 and kerosene are drop in alternatives that do not require...