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Fuel poverty – distributors get together

...Federation of Petroleum Suppliers (FPS) is assisting people in fuel poverty who use heating oil. Several donations have already been received from oil distributors across the Midlands where an agreement...
New Volvo trucks for Veterans into Logistics


New Volvo trucks for Veterans into Logistics

...generous supporters, who, through donations, legacies and the 100,000+ playing the Veterans’ Lottery, have supported over 400 different charitable organisations all over the UK with almost £17 million in grant...


Top chef praises Olleco’s fundraising

Proud supporters of the charity Hospitality Action, Olleco has now raised over £54,000 in donations Olleco which converts organic waste into renewable energy has now donated £54,917.38 to Hospitality Action....


Team Donegal Oil conquer the Race across America

...educational aids for children and adults on the autistic spectrum,” said Arthur McMahon. If you like to make a donation to the Donegal Oil Foundation’s donations page, please visit:—fundraising-page-in-aid-of-austism.html...


Spreading Christmas cheer in Glasgow 

...operated retail at Certas Energy. “It was a humbling experience to see how our donations change the lives of children and their families across Scotland.”  “Thanks also to SPAR Scotland for...