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FTA Transport Manager on tour

The Freight Transport Association’s (FTA) Transport Manager series of conferences has become a must attend event for all transport managers across the country, providing the latest information, guidance and best...


Additional Shell work for Suckling Transport

Under the new contracts Suckling Transport will also take on responsibility for other services to Shell in some areas Suckling Transport has successfully renewed its fuels distribution contract with Shell...


A Titanic transport event

For full details or to book a place at Transport Manager Northern Ireland call the FTA Member Service Centre on 03717 11 22 22 The FTA’s Transport Manager seminar takes...
Domenico Sicilia of Dover Fueling Solutions considers hydrogen as a future fuel for clean transport


Is hydrogen a transport fuel of the future?

...popularity. One of the solutions under scrutiny is the use and integration of hydrogen, particularly for long-haul, heavy-duty vehicles and other commercial transport. However, with only a little over 200...
Electric and hydrogen truck pioneer Tevva has made history by launching the first hydrogen fuel cell-supported heavy goods vehicle (HGV) to be manufactured, designed and mass produced in the UK.


Fuelling commercial road transport: the future energy mix

...transport category should be static machinery, off-road vehicles, agriculture, fork-lifts, pick-ups, etc. Commercial road transport plays a vital role in the lifeblood of the economy, keeping it moving so to...


Debating future energy and transport

...of presentations and discussions from knowledgeable and high-profile keynote speakers who will explore this fundamental theme and the challenges ahead, including: Priorities for future energy Alternatives for decarbonising transport and...


Suckling Transport’s top service award

The first recipient of the Suckling Transport service provider of the year award is the Southampton-based Harwood Truck Centre. The award was based on performance data collected from all 12...


Lewis Tankers wins biofuel transport contract

Lewis Tankers has won a two-year contract from PetroIneos Fuels to transport biofuel (‘denatured’ bioethanol) by road from bulk storage tanks located in the Grangemouth Docks to the company’s fuel...


Dangerous goods transportation – changes

Mick (second from left), joins colleagues at Suckling’s Race Day in June Mick Smith, transport manager, Suckling Transport reports from the Freight Transport Association’s recent dangerous goods seminar. ADR photo...
What is likely to be fuelling your future replacement trucks?


Replacement trucks: what will be the future fuels?

...including food, animal, and wastewater and is approved for transports Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation (RTFO). Peter was keen to highlight that biomethane as a transport fuel can play a critical...