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Driver training – name change

...division of OAMPS (UK) became  Pen Underwriting Driver Training with no changes to the terms of agreements with the company. The Pen Driver Training team has 20+ years’ experience and...


Putting the Petroleum Driver Passport into practice

...completion with hauliers and training providers being invited to gain approval to deliver the necessary training and assessment. Hauliers and training providers are now able to apply to Scottish Qualifications...


PDP – open for business

...anyway and the PDP provides a nationally recognised standard to which the employer can align their training. Also this will now make it easier to register the existing training as...
FPS Expo 2013


FPS restructures driver CPC

...“FPS is committed to providing the best possible training for its members through the Driver CPC Scheme. The new courses we are offering through our restructured CPC Training are purpose-designed...
Tim Doggett of the CBA addresses the challenges in the chemical supply chain


The chemical supply chain: addressing ongoing challenges

...offering Carbon Literacy training to its members. The certified training, which provides insight to help individuals and companies make informed choices to reduce their carbon impact, and additionally enables members...