
Ken’s Corner – time to reflect

As we head into autumn and the last vestiges of summer are behind us (yes, I hear you, what summer?), in this column, I reflect on what UKIFDA has on the agenda for the next few months.


Legislative influence and regulatory guidance

We have a new government in the UK, and while their policies on heating and transport are not yet clear and cast in stone, I was pleased with the speed of response and implementation when UKIFDA asked its member distributors to contact their new local MP. Before the election, we had a predominately conservative audience.

Following the election, there has been about a 50% change in terms of political party and/ or the MP. Consequently, we have a new body of people to inform about our business, and thanks to the distributors’ efforts, we now have numerous meetings to attend and have planned further parliamentary and party conference events.

Rumours persist in Ireland that there will be an election in the autumn, following a budget on October 1st. Alongside our partners, Fuels for Ireland and OFTEC, we have been working diligently to ensure that the major party manifestos address the need for a heat policy that includes the widest possible set of solutions for heat decarbonisation.

This work is supported by recent research conducted by the Irish Heating Alliance (TAZCH), which is discussed in a separate article in this edition (see page 27).

In Scotland, the launch of new building standards in April caused much disquiet, especially among rural communities. The regulations currently prohibit the use of any system that uses a flame. However, following the controversy, the Scottish Government has decided to review the legislation, which includes bioenergy and, within that, renewable liquid fuels. We are actively collaborating with officials on this matter.

Outside of the political world, UKIFDA has been working on issues that we believe will fundamentally impact members’ businesses in the medium and long term. In the next few months, we will publish guidance on the issues surrounding environmental claims made to customers, whether through advertising or in person.

This is in response to recent high-profile cases where companies have been censured by the Competition and Markets Authority and other regulators for their messaging. This is a complex issue, especially as the general consumer may not necessarily have the knowledge or experience to discern what is right and wrong. Additionally, our guidance will cover recent statements made by regulators regarding pricing for clean heat products.

Addressing key industry issues

At the end of September, we will host our annual Health, Safety and Regulatory forum. This year, our focus is on a wide range of topics, including the launch of our new safe delivery guidance, discussions on depot audits, transport regulation and the operational issues and costs around decommissioning sites.

Cybersecurity is fast becoming one of the main threats to organisations worldwide, and its impact on energy supply is profound. We introduced this subject at last year’s regional meetings and are currently exploring the best ways to keep our members informed about it.

Expanding member services

Over the years, the training academy and depot advisory service has become one of the most important member services we provide at UKIFDA. I am pleased to report that the uptake of this service among members continues to increase, which reflects the quality of the content and the professionalism of our staff. As the number of users continues to grow, we will launch a new system this autumn that will allow us to expand our reach further.

Vital industry events

Following a successful and record-breaking EXPO 2024, we are putting the finishing touches to our plans for the UKIFDA Show in Leeds in May next year, which we will be launching very soon. Once again, we have listened and taken into consideration the feedback from both exhibitors and delegates and as always with our events, you should expect something slightly different from previous ones, possibly with a less formal schedule. The theme for the 2025 Show is “Be Part Of The Solution”, which reflects our operational and political standing, ensuring we are safeguarding the future of our market.

Image credit: UKIFDA