In this edition, we concentrate on detailed monthly energy consumption data to the end of September 2024. Kerosene sales are shown as total kerosene sales (with a detailed split between domestic and commercial scheduled for the next update).
Where comments are made regarding comparative differences, they are UKIFDA comments borne from conversations with third parties. Prior year period data has been updated by the Government and may, therefore, differ from previous UKIFDA reports.
This report reviews data for the following:
Domestic energy consumption summary
The number of heating days in the first nine months of 2024 was 2% below 2023 and 8% below 2019. In the last quarter (July 2024 to September 2024), the average temperature was 15.6 degrees Celsius, 0.8 degrees Celsius lower than the same period a year earlier.
Comparison of domestic energy prices (to June 2024)
Quarterly changes in the domestic sector price indices (in real terms) over the past 5 years accounting for overall inflation.
Temperature and heating days
Heating days in the first nine months of 2024 was 2% below 2023 and 8% below 2019.
Heating oil total consumption (ktoe) and pricing
The split between domestic and non-domestic kerosene will be shown in the next databank.
Gas oil and DERV consumption
Domestic gas and electricity consumption
Biofuel consumption and feedstock analysis
Impacts of the Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS)
The data considers the number of grant applications, number and cost of installs, and fuel displaced
All data provided by UKIFDA
Image from Dreamstime