We asked those involved in the liquid fuel distribution industry the following questions to find out more about their thoughts on Christmas:
1. What’s your best Christmas cracker joke?
2. What’s your favourite Christmas song?
3. What will you be eating on Christmas Day? (Turkey, Chicken, Beef, Chocolate?!)
4. What’s your favourite thing that is associated with Christmas?
5. What’s your favourite Christmas film?
6. Are you a snow lover or a snow hater?
And our community said…
Aaron ‘Mitch’ Mitchell Transport Manager Prince Energy
1. There really isn’t one!
2. Fairytale of New York – The Pogues!
3. Christmas food – a chocolate roast!
4. We have a family tradition of a Boxing Day gift on the tree.
5. Miracle on 34th Street.
6. Snow lover if I’m not on the road and it’s affecting our deliveries!
Adrian Mason Sales Executive RTN
1. What was the snowman doing in the vegetable patch? Picking his nose!
2. Fairytale of New York
3. Usually, we have turkey and ham but this year it’s going to be a buffet style dinner, and I love a mince pie or two!
4. Just spending quality time with my family and the odd fishing trip!
5. Elf
6. It’s great when you are at home in front of the fire but if you are away from home and trying to get home then it’s horrible!
Alex Wolfe Director of Energy at Blend The Wolfe Power Club Podcast
1. What did the cheese say in the mirror? Halloumi!
2. Chris Rea Driving Home for Christmas. It always felt very appropriate in fuel distribution when you’re working until the last moment.
3. Turkey! Also, this year Hanukkah is on the same day so chocolate coins.
4. Cigar Time.
5. Home Alone.
6. Snow lover – ski time!
Howard Marriott Group Transport Manager Barton Petroleum
1. What did Santa do when he went speed dating? He pulled a cracker!
2. Fairytale of New York by The Pogues.
3. Turkey, chocolate and perhaps a small wine or two!
4. Meeting the same friends for a drink on Christmas Eve for the last 30 odd years, spending time with the family.
5. Polar Express.
6. Snow Lover until it turns to slush!
Morgan Webb Depot Assistant Barton Petroleum
1. Who is Santa’s favourite singer? Elf-is Presley!
2. Driving Home for Christmas – Chris Rea.
3. Cup of tea at 8am – bacon sarnie or salmon! Turkey and gammon for the Christmas lunch with the top tier pigs in blankets. Then half-baked baguette in the evening with the left-over trimmings.
4. Going out every Christmas Eve! I hit the pubs with my family and friends – that’s been a tradition for years! About 4 years ago I ended up sleeping on the kitchen floor with the dog!
5. Mine has to be Elf!
6. Snow lover!
Ben Duckworth Director Craggs Energy Group
1. How much did Santa pay for his sleigh? Nothing, it was on the house!
2. Christmas music isn’t my thing, but I do enjoy Driving Home for Christmas by Chris Rea when the depot has been locked up and the festivities are about to begin.
3. Turkey! It has to be!
4. I can’t say no to pigs in blankets. An absolute staple of Christmasness!
5. I know it’s a cliché but for me it has to be Die Hard or, at a push, The Nightmare Before Christmas.
6. Love the snow, but in the fields not on the roads!
Zoe Blackhall Head of Group Supply Chain BoilerJuice
1. What do you call a blind reindeer? No eye deer!
2. Last Christmas by Wham, it’s such a classic.
3. Everything in sight!
4. Christmas jumpers, I have a different one for every day of December.
5. Tim Burton’s The Nightmare before Christmas.
6. Love, love, love the snow! (As long as it’s on holiday and in a different country!)
James Taylor Commercial Manager CDS Ltd
1. Why don’t you ever see Santa in a hospital? Because he has private elf care.
2. Wizzard – I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday.
3. Praying for beef, I’ve never been a fan of the Christmas turkey hype.
4. Watching people open gifts you’ve bought them and seeing their face light up. Spending time with family and that true feeling of peace and relaxation you don’t get any other time of year.
5. Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas.
6. Up until the age of about 14, it was the most exciting thing ever. Then practicality becomes the most important thing in life and I find it incredibly inconvenient now.
Emma Osborn-Wilkes Managing Director Halso Fuels UK and EL-Oils.
1. Who hides in the bakery at Christmas? A Mince Spy.
2. Mariah Carey, All I Want for Christmas…I feel I sing it well on the karaoke!
3. Everything I can get my hands on; I leave the cooking to my Mom!
4. I personally love the build up to Christmas rather than the actual day, Christmas lights, Christmas parties, Santa, wearing sparkly outfits, eating mince pies.
5. My absolute favourite tradition is putting the Christmas tree up on my Mom’s birthday on 2nd December, drinking Baileys and then watching Love Actually!
5. Love Actually or Elf.
6. I am not really a winter babe but I do love the snow to make snow angels!
Emmy Krishna Marketing Coordinator IFC Inflow
1. How did Darth Vader know what Luke Skywalker got for Christmas? He felt his presents.
2. The Fairytale of New York by The Pogues.
3. It has to be turkey. I can definitely skip the Christmas pudding though, I much prefer something full of sugar and covered in chocolate!
4. 24/7 Christmas music on the radio really makes this time of year special for better or worse!
5. Controversial choice- Die Hard
6. Snow lover! Until about day 3 when everything goes a bit grey and wet…
Kiran Shaw Operations Director IFC Inflow
1. What did Santa get when he was stuck in a chimney? Claustrophobia!
2. Fairytale of New York by The Pogues.
3. Turkey with all the trimmings. Bread sauce is the best part of a Christmas dinner in my opinion.
4. Decorating the Christmas tree with the whole family.
5. Love Actually and I’m not ashamed to say it.
6. Snow lover! I’ve got everything crossed for a White Christmas in 2024.
1. Why are there no accidents in Santa’s workshop? It has an elf and safety policy.
2. I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday Wizzard · 1985.
3. Turkey for me, and nut roast for my vegan children.
4. Getting up first on Christmas day and shouting very loudly Santa has been!
5. Has to be Home Alone!
6. Living in Scotland it has to be a snow lover.
Richard Wallace CEO LCM
1. What do you call a deer with no eyes? No idea…
2. Fairytale of New York by The Pogues.
3. Wine with a side of turkey.
4. Die Hard.
5. I would happily spend 4 months of the year in the snow!
Matthew Gilmore Director Just Tankers
1. Why did the truck driver bring a ladder to the Christmas party? Because they heard the drinks were on the house!
2. “Driving Home for Christmas” by Chris Rea – it’s practically our anthem!
3. Turkey with all the trimmings, followed by an extra helping of Christmas pudding to fuel up for the festive season!
4. Decorating the Christmas tree while enjoying a mince pie and a cup of mulled wine—nothing beats that cozy feeling.
5. The Polar Express—we’re all about keeping the engines running, even during the holidays!
6. Snow lover! Especially when we’re watching it fall from a warm cab with a hot drink in hand.
Chris Wilkie Head of Commercial MechTronic
1. How does Good King Wenceslas like his pizzas? Deep pan, crisp and even!
2. Sorry, I just cringed at myself but… ‘All I want for Christmas’ by Mariah Carey.
3. This year we are breaking tradition and going out for an Indian but usually Turkey!
4. Having two young children, it got to be seeing their faces on Christmas morning…
5. Got to be Home Alone 1 and 2 – still classics!
6. I pretend to love it for the kids but actually it’s just a massive inconvenience.
Emma Allinson Marketing Coordinator MechTronic
1. Which of Santa’s reindeer has the best moves? Dancer!
2. Fairytale of New York, by The Pogues, an absolute classic!
3. I am cooking for 12 this year, and there will be turkey and beef, complete with Yorkshire puddings too!
4. I love the build-up, and time with family but having two young boys, there is nothing better than seeing their excitement and their faces on Christmas morning.
5. The Polar Express.
6. I love it, although it doesn’t snow much in York!
Ben Firth Sales Engineer MechTronic
1. Why did the Turkey join the rock band? Because it had drumsticks.
2. Shakin’ Stevens – Merry Christmas Everyone
3. Turkey and plenty of chocolate!!
4. I love watching the kids open their presents on Christmas day and then getting together for a Boxing Day drink with my brother, sister, and all our partners.
5. Elf
6. Snow lover…. it’s good for business!
Brad Wilkie Managing Director MechTronic
1. How does Santa keep track of all the fireplaces he’s visited? He keeps a logbook!
2. Driving home for Christmas by Chris Rea.
3. Turkey, chicken and lots of chocolate!
4. Spending time with my family and playing games.
5. Home Alone 1.
6. Snow lover.
Melissa Lancaster Brand Manager New Era Energy
1. What do you call an obnoxious reindeer? Rude-olph!
2. It’s got to be ‘All I Want for Christmas is You’ by Mariah Carey – probably predictable!
3. Champagne for breakfast then turkey and homemade mince pies.
4. Ice skating, it’s a tradition every year for us all to go. It really makes us feel festive.
5. Love Actually.
6. Love it, I hope we have enough to sledge this year!
Amber Geggus Director of Renewables New Era Energy
1. Why did the turkey join the rock band? Because it had drumsticks.
2. All I want for Christmas by Mariah.
3. Lots and lots of chocolate.
4. Putting up the Christmas tree.
5. Elf.
6. Lover!
James Hunt CEO New Era Energy
1. Where do you weigh whales? In a whale weigh station.
2. Pogues – Fairytale of New York.
3. Turkey!
4. Watching my kids opening their presents.
5. Elf.
6. Lover!
Noz Miah Founder and Managing Director Aim Recruit
1. A lorry carrying Vicks vapor rub has overturned on the M6. There will be no congestion for 8 hours!
2. Fairytale of New York by The Pogues.
3. Chicken/beef and chocolate – but not all together!
4. Christmas spirit – The shopping malls and supermarkets, the carol singing, strangers saying Merry Christmas, giving tips to your local service people, and giving those who have less something you have in excess.
5. It has to be Home Alone!
6. I looooove snow!
Gemma Wakefield Marketing Director NWF
1. What did Santa say when he stepped into a big puddle? It must have reindeer.
2. Traditional all the way. Turkey, trimmings and many, many pigs in blankets!
3. I LOVE everything Christmas, it is my favourite time of the year, I have so many traditions! I love Christmas Eve night where all the family are in matching pyjamas, preparing the Christmas dinner with songs in the background and Santa always remembers to leave an early prezzie for us all!
4. Muppet Christmas Carol
Erick Baron Marketing Coordinator Otodata
1. What do you get if you cross a snowman and a vampire? Frostbite!
2. Cool Yule – Louis Armstong.
3. Glazed ham and all the fixings.
4. Gift exchange games.
5. Home Alone. It has it all – warmth, humour, slapstick comedy, and suspense!
6. A snow lover – from indoors.
James Robinson Owner/Director Penshurst Fuels
1. What do you get if you eat Christmas decorations? Tinsilitis.
2. Jingle bell rock for me, a classic! Although I know my drivers will all say Driving Home for Christmas!
3. Everything! I’ve even been known to order an Indian takeaway! That was a total winner.
4. I’m a bit of a softy, so I love the tradition of a proper family Christmas. We are very lucky in Penshurst and the surrounding villages. we have a wealth of traditional events most weekends in December. Just magical.
5. National Lampoon’s Christmas for the daytime and Die Hard for the evening!
6. I love a bit of snow! Although the slush fills me full of dread as it does for all of us in this industry!
Phil Murray UKIFDA President CEO at WCF Ltd
1. Why has Santa been banned from sooty chimneys? Carbon footprints!
2. Fairytale of New York by The Pogues.
3. All of the above…and possibly more!
4. Visiting Christmas markets and sampling “fancy” cheeses.
5. Has to be Elf (and also Die Hard)!
6. Snow lover! It’s great for business!
Tammy Coates Business Manager – Fuel Additives SBZ Corporation
1. Er. None…better things to waste my money on than crackers!
2. Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas–Judy Garland version from Meet Me in St Louis.
3. Roast potatoes, veggies and Yorkshire pudding. And enough cheese (all varieties) to keep a lifelong vegetarian happy!
4. Christmas lights and a good ole Christmas concert.
5. White Christmas (but I always put my tree up to Carousel- weird I know!)
6. I like cold dry weather… any form of precipitation spoils a good dog walk.
Hytek Team Responses
What’s your best Christmas cracker joke?
Aaron Fribbens: If you have a snowball in your left hand and one in your right what do you have? Frosty’s full attention.
Laura Taylor: Why did the Turkey cross the road? To prove it wasn’t chicken.
Liz Tisseyre: PG one – What did one snowman say to another? Can you smell carrots?
Jack Tickner: What do you call a kid who doesn’t believe in Santa? A rebel without a Claus.
Orla Griffin: What’s the best Christmas Present in the world? A broken drum, you just can’t beat it! AND…One year Santa lost his underwear, that how he got the name Saint knicker- less!
Gareth Hall: What does Santa do when his elves misbehave? He gives them the sack.
What’s your favourite Christmas song?
Aaron Fribbens: Grandma got run over by a reindeer.
Laura Taylor: Carol of the Bells Version by August Burns Red – Heavy Metal!
Liz Tisseyre: Fairytale of New York by The Pogues.
James Canning: Not traditional… Pennies from Heaven by Louis Prima.
Jack Tickner: Last Christmas – Wham.
Orla Griffin: One More Sleep – Leona Lewis and Underneath the Tree – Kelly Clarkson.
Zac Thompson: Last Christmas – Wham!
Gareth Hall: Spaceman Came Travelling – Chris de Burgh.
What will you be eating?
Aaron Fribbens: All of the above!
Laura Taylor: Beef and turkey and plenty of Choccy-Woccy!
Liz Tisseyre: Quorn roast (don’t knock it ‘till you try it!)
James Canning: All of the above!
Jack Tickner: Turkey.
Orla Griffin: Turkey and a mountainous amount of potatoes.
Zac Thompson: Seagull.
Gareth Hall: Richmond Vegetarian Sausages with my Christmas dinner yummmmmmmmmmmm!
What’s your favourite thing?
Aaron Fribbens: Food and giving people gifts.
Laura Taylor: We play Grinch Raffle every year, like a normal raffle but you can steal others presents when all the raffle prizes are gone!
Liz Tisseyre: Carols on Fair Green on Christmas Eve – most of the village turns up to sing at full volume.
James Canning: Cold cuts.
Jack Tickner: Buying my wife a rude present and watching her open it in front of the whole family has become a tradition.
Orla Griffin: All the festive treats, matchmakers, treeselets etc.
Zac Thompson: Being blind drunk at 8am.
Gareth Hall: I really enjoy the overall vibe of the season, and then I’m just as happy when it’s over and everything’s back to normal
What’s your favourite Christmas film?
Aaron Fribbens: Elf
Laura Taylor: Used to be – Santa Clause the Movie but more recently – Violent Night!
Liz Tisseyre: Die Hard (contentious?)
James Canning: Gremlins.
Jack Tickner: Jingle all the way.
Orla Griffin: The Grinch (original)
Zac Thompson: Die Hard or Elf
Gareth Hall: Home Alone
Snow lover or hater?
Aaron Fribbens: Snow lover.
Laura Taylor: Deffo a snow lover, it looks so pretty when it snows!
Liz Tesseyre: Hate it – unless it’s for one day only, a Sunday, and is gone for the drive into work on Monday morning.
James Canning: Don’t care.
Jack Tickner: Lover.
Orla Griffin: Snow hater now that I drive ahah!
Zac Thompson: Bring on the snow.
Gareth Hall: Snow hater, unless I’ve intentionally put myself in that environment with a snowboard on a mountain!
Heartfelt thanks from all of us at Fuel Oil News to all those who shared their Christmas thoughts with us!
People / interview
Images provided by our respondents