The TRA was one of the first public bodies to be set up to meet the new needs of the UK following its departure from the European Union and offers a first line of defence for UK producers facing unfair international competition. It is a non-departmental public body of the Department for Business and Trade and investigates whether new trade remedies are needed to prevent injury to UK industries caused by unfair trading practices and make recommendations on appropriate measures to defend UK economic interests.
The survey is open until 4 October 2024 and can be accessed here. It should not be completed by exporters, importers or UK biodiesel manufacturers, which should instead complete a questionnaire from the Trade Remedies Service.
Results from the above surveys will help the TRA understand the effects that tariffs on imports of the above products might be having on businesses and consumers. Information submitted will be used anonymously for the Economic Interest Test (EIT).
Image credit: Dreamstime