
In Profile with Kiran Shaw of IFC Inflow

Welcome to September’s edition of our special monthly feature which gives you the opportunity to ‘meet’ an industry figure and, hopefully, to discover another side to them beyond the well-known facts.

Kiran Shaw IFC

This month we chat with Kiran shaw, Sales and Operations director at IFC Inflow.

 Please give your career history in 25 words or fewer.

I started off building fuel pumps, moved into sales, then ran my own business. Joined IFC as operations manager and now run operations and sales.

Describe yourself in 3 words.

Dedicated. Loyal. Conscientious.

What were your childhood / early ambitions?

When I was in primary school, I wanted to be a doctor, and play rugby for England. It’s funny how not all your dreams come true!

Describe your dream job (if you weren’t doing this?)

Travel journalism. Visiting far-flung and not so far-flung places and writing about my experiences.

What’s the best business advice you’ve ever received?

Don’t ever take it personally, and know when to stop talking.

Share your top tips for business success.

Always try and do what you say you are going to do; treat others as you wish to be treated; always be honest in your dealings with everyone; and remember to have some fun.

What’s your most recent business achievement of note?

Designing and building a record number of tanker loading skids last year which contributed to us having a record year in business, whilst also getting the best employee engagement survey results we have ever had.

Tell us your greatest fear.

Not being able to sleep at night, not that that ever happens!

Which is most important – ambition or talent?

Ambition. Although you need both to be successful, without the determination and drive that ambition provides, even the greatest talent can be wasted.

What’s the best thing about your job?

I love the variety of my job and how it is never the same on any given day, whether it be working with a client on a new tanker loading project, meeting with the team to discuss business operations, or just answering the telephone, there is always something different going on.

Which is the quality that you most admire?


What are you most likely to say?

Yes is the answer, now what was the question?

What are you least likely to say?

No, I can’t help you.

Describe your perfect day.

One of my favourite days recently was whilst on holiday in Crete. I woke up early and went for a long swim around the bay, followed by iced coffee and Greek pastries at a harbourside cafe.

 We then spent the afternoon exploring mountain top villages and ancient monasteries and, in the evening, we ate and drank in the open air at a festival in the local town square.

Do you have a favourite sports team?

Arsenal for football, and Saracens for rugby.

What’s the biggest challenge of our time?

Climate change is the big one, but there is also a big challenge for us to be in control of our technology and not for the technology to be in control of us, especially for our children.

Cheese or chocolate?

I would have to say cheese. It is a special treat though, and the smellier it is the better it tastes. It also doesn’t matter what language you speak; you can always talk about cheese.

Share your greatest personal achievement.

The easy answer is still being married, after 24 years, and bringing up two amazing children. I also ran the Manchester Marathon a few years ago and completed a triathlon after training for it all through lockdown.

What’s your pet hate or biggest irritant?

Throwing things away.

If you were on ‘Mastermind’ what would your specialist subject be?

The life and times of me and my family.

If you were elected to government what would be the first law you’d press for?

Where to start? There are so many things that need sorting out and could be done better, but I think the biggest one that affects all of us is the NHS and social care provision.

If your 20-year-old self saw you now what would they think?

Blimey he looks a bit grown up and responsible!

What is number 1 on your bucket list?

India is next on our list and then, when I have more time, I want to travel along the silk road from Europe, through Persia, Eurasia and into China.

What 3 things would you take to a desert island?

A guitar, a kindle and some sun cream!

Tell us something about you that people would be very surprised by.

I love open water swimming.

Who would you most like to ask these questions of?

Paul Weller, Professor Brian Cox and Simon Reeve.

Image credit: Kiran Shaw, IFC Inflow