Liquid fuel distributors, bio-energy companies, refineries, tank, pump and fuel-related organisations as well as commercial support services including software and insurance businesses were among the 45 exhibitors at the event, sponsored by Phillips 66.
Committed to a solution

The impressive audience for both the keynote and the subsequent roundtable on future fuels demonstrated the interest in decarbonisation. Significant progress has been made, even since EXPO 2022 in Liverpool, with industry leaders focused on what the future holds and committed to providing a heating solution and affordable fuel to customers.
UKIFDA CEO Ken Cronin said: “The general public is clear on what is required, and that is choice. Evidence from the Future Fuels campaign states that nearly 89%* of oil heating customers want a renewable liquid fuel as an alternative and 97%* of those surveyed wish to have a choice regarding the type of heating system they install in their homes.”
“We, as an industry, know there are solutions out there – we need to be practical, technology agnostic and, above all else, flexible. It was great to see so many industry professionals in the same room, collaborating.”
Rounding off the day, the sold-out UKIFDA Show & Awards Dinner, with the impressive Coventry City football stadium backdrop, saw some remarkable companies and people working within the liquid fuel distribution industry recognised for their achievements.
Holding the room’s attention, inspirational Great British Olympic gold medallist Amy Williams was the after-dinner speaker, and a host of awards were announced and presented as the evening progressed.
The show and conference video captures the whole event perfectly and you can watch it below – can you spot yourself or your team?
Highlights included a new Customer Service award and joint winners for the Innovation Award where, for the first time, members were able to vote for non-members. The popular win of the evening, however, was George Brinkworth from Ford Fuels, who took the UKIFDA Young Person of the Year 2023 accolade.
See you next year!
Summarising the day’s event, UKIFDA Events Manager Dawn Shakespeare said: “It was great to see so many delegates attend – there was a real buzz in the exhibition hall. We can also see from the Whova app stats that it’s been productive in terms of networking, with a record number of people downloading the event app.
“Thank you, once again, to all of our sponsors and exhibitors, conference speakers and, of course, all the wonderful attendees who made the day what it was.
“In fact, we’ve already taken bookings for UKIFDA EXPO 2024, which will be returning to the Liverpool Exhibition Centre on the 10th and 11th of April 2024 – remember to save the dates! We look forward to seeing you there.”
*Future Ready Fuel campaign household survey 2022