In February’s edition we chat with Brad Wilkie, commercial director Mechtronic Ltd, who loves family and sports in almost equal measure and, whilst highly accomplished on two wheels, harbours secret ambitions for four-wheeled adventures.
“Listen to your customers.”
Give your career history in 25 words or fewer
I started as an apprentice at MechTronic in 2008 and progressed through the business to Commercial Director.
Describe yourself in 3 words
Strong-minded, resilient and likeable.
What were your childhood / early ambitions?
To follow in my dad’s footsteps.
Describe your dream job (if you weren’t doing this?)
F1 racing driver!
What’s the best business advice you’ve ever received?
Always treat people as you want to be treated.
Share your top tips for business success
Listen to the customers and manage internal and external relationships.
What’s your most recent business achievement of note?
Becoming commercial director.
Tell us your greatest fear
Something happening to my family.
Which is most important – ambition or talent?
What’s the best thing about your job?
Meeting customers and building relationships.
Which is the quality that you most admire?
Honesty and integrity.
What are you most likely to say?
That’s brilliant news, thank you!
What are you least likely to say?
Swear words.
Describe your perfect day
Enjoyable ride on my bike with my brothers, followed by some quality time with my wife and
three boys.
Do you have a favourite sports team?
Manchester United.
What’s the biggest challenge of our time?
Recovering from the pandemic.
Cheese or chocolate?
Ooh tricky, I like both but I eat more chocolate!
Share your greatest personal achievement
Creating a warm, safe environment for my boys to thrive.
What’s your pet hate or biggest irritant?
Drivers hogging the middle lane.
If you were on ‘Mastermind’ what would your specialist subject be?
Anything to do with sports.
If you were elected to government what would be the first law you’d press for?
Push for better equality.
If your 20-year-old self saw you now what would they think?
Aged well, considering there’s three kids on the scene!
What is number 1 on your bucket list?
I would love to take the wife and the boys to Disney World.
What 3 things would you take to a desert island?
Beer, family and nice food.
Tell us something about you that people would be very surprised by
I am an identical twin!
Who would you most like to ask these questions of?
Dwayne Johnson, aka The Rock.