Graham Peacock, CEO at TG Convenience Stores, purchased the 3.1mlpa Felling Service Station and 5mlpa Sunderland Road sites from MFG in April 2019 and chose JET as the company’s preferred supplier for both sites.
As two of the sites included in JET’s recent pilot for its new image, Felling and Sunderland Road were both re-imaged in JET’s new forecourt design and, as a result, now incorporate an array of forecourt design improvements to create a safe, friendly and welcoming environment for customers. Sunderland Road has also introduced JET ULTRA, JET’s new range of premium fuels, and features the eye-catching ultramarine blue branding and pole sign displaying all four fuel grades.
“JET was the obvious choice of fuel supplier for these two new sites in our network due to their strong regional brand and competitive supply terms,” commented Graham Peacock.
“The sites are quite different – Felling is situated on the Felling bypass and attracts a lot of transitory customers, whereas Sunderland Road is much more of a community site as it’s surrounded by housing and local businesses, but we’re confident that the JET brand is the right choice for both sites. JET’s new image and colour scheme will help to attract forecourt footfall.”
“We’re delighted that Graham has chosen to switch these two sites across to JET from their previous suppliers,” added Graham Clout, UK retail sales manager at JET.
“Our new image looks fantastic on both sites, and I’m sure will be very well received by customers.”