RE:Group – strategic appointment to fuel growth

Paul Brown is the Hull-based company’s new industrial fuel sales manager and joins after 10 years as a waste management broker and solvent sales representative.
RE:Group, which has extensive experience in waste oil management and hydrocarbon recovery, currently handles more than 50 million litres of marine and industrial oil each year and sells specialist fuels to sectors such as brewing, food production, aggregates and abattoirs.
Commercial director Phil Evans said: “Paul has a wealth of relevant experience and has worked with a wide range of industries across Yorkshire, Lancashire and around the UK for many years. He has been brought on board to help us with the growth of our fuel oils business for a range of industries that are heavy users of heating oil.”
Paul began his career working in the stores of a chemicals company in Castleford, where he still lives. He then moved into the recycling industry working for several blue chip companies.
Paul’s appointment follows the retirement of fuel sales manager Derek Crossley, who has been with the company since 2012 and has enjoyed a 48-year career, including six years in the Royal Navy and 30 years in the fuel industry.
Established in 1996, RE:Group has three sites in Hull, including its new head office, and a collection site in North Lincolnshire. The company has in-house UKAS-accredited laboratories and invests significantly in research and development.